5 Mother's Day gifts mom will enjoy sharing with the kids

November 26, 2014

Mother's Day gifts are a special way to celebrate mom, but they can also provide fun opportunities for mom to spend time with the kids.

5 Mother's Day gifts mom will enjoy sharing with the kids

If you have a mom in your life who will want to celebrate the holiday by spending time with her kids, here are five kid-friendly gift ideas.

1. Tickets to an event

For a mom who likes to be active and out of the house, one of the best gifts you can get her is tickets to an event — maybe even for the whole family!

  • Consider scouring the local newspaper for upcoming concerts or plays, fun runs, carnivals or circuses.
  • By purchasing the whole family tickets to an event, mom can enjoy herself along with the little ones, too. Plus, there are often family discounts.

2. Home-cooked meal

For a real treat for Mom, consider cooking her dinner on Mother's Day.

  • Get a list of her favourite foods, then prepare and serve them to her at home.
  • Have a sit-down dinner with the whole family so everyone can enjoy the foods of your labour!

3. Scrapbook

Mother's Day is about celebrating being a mom, so a great gift for mothers is a picture and memento scrapbook documenting her journey as a mother.

  • Include pictures and small tokens from the time she was pregnant with each child up to the present day.
  • Scrapbooks will be fun for mothers and children to look through and reminisce together, and they'll be a great way for children to learn a little more about their families.

4. Letter or story

To create something that kids will enjoy doing and moms will enjoy receiving, have the children sit down and write their mom a story or letter.

  • Tell them to be creative and make their piece about how great their mother is.
  • Children will get to exercise their creative muscles and moms can enjoy the finished product.

5. Garden

Is the mom in your life a chef or gardener?

  • The kids can start a garden for her that she can tend as the year progresses.
  • Buy seeds at a local garden store and have the children plant, fertilize and water them.
  • Then, throughout the year, mom and kids can tend to the garden together and enjoy the flowers, fruits and vegetables that they helped to grow!
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