3 heartwarming ways to show Mom you care on Mother's Day

November 26, 2014

What do moms really want on Mother's Day? If your mom is especially sentimental, it may not be a gift you can buy. Here are three creative and heartwarming ways to show Mom you appreciate her on her special day this year. [Image credit: iStock.com/Zinkevych]

3 heartwarming ways to show Mom you care on Mother's Day

1. Prepare a meal for Mom

This year, give your mom a wonderful surprise by offering to prepare a meal for the whole family.

  • Make sure you choose a recipe that you're confident you can pull off successfully, and try for something that's one of Mom's favourites.
  • Don't worry if the results aren't five-star restaurant worthy. Mom will be thrilled that you went through all the trouble for her more than if the veggies are a bit dry.
  • Most importantly, make sure you clean up and wash the dishes afterwards, instead of leaving them for Mom to do. The kitchen should be clean enough to meet her standards when you have finished!

2. Organize a family reunion

If your mom has older children who've flown the nest, or if she has siblings or cousins she hasn't seen in years, then organizing a surprise family reunion could delight her.

  • Seeing family members in person is much more special than just speaking on the phone so gather everyone together, with mom as the guest of honour, and show her how much every member of the family appreciates her.
  • She'll love the opportunity to see her children, grandchildren and other family members without the stress of planning the reunion herself.
  • If certain people absolutely can't make it, arrange to have them chat live with Mom via Skype. Although not the same as having that person at the reunion, Mom will still be thrilled.

3. Take a walk together

When was the last time you spent quality time with your mom without distractions?

  • Leave the gadgets at home and take a walk through the countryside with the immediate family, or even just the two of you.
  • Make sure you're familiar with the route you need to follow, so your relaxing walk doesn't turn into an ordeal of trying to find your way home.
  • You could also pack a picnic lunch to share with Mom to make the day even more memorable.

Time is the best gift

Moms typically spend a lot of time doing things for other people. That's why your time is the most meaningful gift you can give to your mom.  Mother's Day is your chance to turn the tables and make her feel special and appreciated. Try these suggestions this Mother's Day and see how much she loves spending quality time with the people she cares most about.

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