1605 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6R 1A9
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Appears in 2 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Parkdale antique stores to give your home old-world charm

Parkdale antique stores to give your home old-world charm

Antiques create a magical world because one person’s junk can be another’s treasure. There’s a definite grey zone in the middle though, where the restoration of an item can make it anyone’s treasure. That’s what happens all the time here, with chairs, tables and sofas lovingly made over to match or exceed their former glory. Prices are a little higher than other places, but it’s reflected in the quality. Anything you buy will last a lifetime.

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Mid-century modern furniture in Toronto

Mid-century modern furniture in Toronto

Antique shops are among the best places to scout around for hidden treasures. If you take your time, are patient and persistent and visit regularly, you may eventually walk away with an extraordinary bargain or rare find. The prices for mid-century modern pieces are a bit more reasonable than most, and they have a sell-back option if you have any furniture you need to unload.

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