Writing an honest and useful employee evaluation

August 4, 2014

The employee evaluation is an important step in running an efficient workplace, but it’s not one that many bosses know how to do well. Read on for help.

Writing an honest and useful employee evaluation

The annual employee evaluation meeting is a defining moment—an opportunity to take stock of an employee’s attitude and achievements and go over their goals for the coming year. However, the meeting shouldn’t be a time for surprising revelations. Good personnel management should include regular feedback so that employees always know if they are going in the right direction.

A well-planned meeting

At the meeting, be prepared to discuss your employees’ successes and shortcomings in greater detail by reviewing the goal plans they established last year. If you’ve never asked your employees to set goals, now is the time to do so; it will help you assess their performance next year.

As a manager, take care to keep a paper trail of the follow-ups made throughout the year and have it on hand if you need to discuss any touchy issues. Take the time to consult your personnel files and speak to all the relevant supervisors. Doing some research will help you see beyond surface impressions and have a more beneficial rapport with each employee.

A moment to reflect

Set aside the proper amount of time to meet with employees for their performance reviews. Leave time to discuss things quietly and calmly. Be attentive to what they have to say.

A moment of gratitude

Always begin by bringing up your employees’ strong points and by highlighting their accomplishments. It's important that they feel your appreciation for the work they’ve done throughout the year.

Looking for solutions

When you meet with employees, discuss together whether or not their goals were met. If they weren’t, try to determine why and find a solution together to remedy the situation. This is meant to involve employees in a self-assessment that will help them make changes and take responsibility for their goals and performance.

Updating skills

The employee evaluation should include a skills development segment. Talk to employees about their ambitions and your workplace needs. Make suggestions for skills enhancement and professional development.

Agree on goals

Conclude the meeting with a well-established plan for the upcoming year, including goals that need to be met, strategies for dealing with challenges and specific proposals for updating skills. The goal plan can include soft skills as well, including attitudes and behaviours.

The importance of follow-up

Don’t let employees flounder as the year progresses; give feedback or hold follow-up meetings on a regular basis. Some employees need more direction than others. It all depends on their jobs, their level of autonomy and the scale of the challenges to surmount. Show your support and offer guidance so they can make adjustments along the way.

Getting additional support

It's possible to receive additional employee evaluation support from agencies specializing in the field of employment. Their services may include job description reviews, organizational restructuring and recruiting.

The employee evaluation process is integral in solidifying their assets and nipping shortcomings in the bud. Use it as a regular tool to improve workplace dynamics.

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