What to know about yoga for kids

November 17, 2014

It’s not a stretch to think of involving your kids in yoga. The ancient Indian discipline uniting body and mind has a well-proven track record in helping to transform adults. The same benefits can help in the physical and mental development of children. Here's how.

What to know about yoga for kids

Encourages body awareness

Body awareness is one of the many benefits of yoga for kids. Why?

  • The postures and exercises of yoga strengthen their bodies and makes kids more flexible. In turn, they are put in tune with their physical selves and learn to move more freely and easily, and express themselves.

Quiets the mind

Yoga strives for stillness and relaxation, whether through the reflective performance of poses or during a quiet time at the end of practice, with a guided visualization.

  • The quiet self-awareness provides a compelling antidote to our modern culture of constant electronic stimulation.

Increases self-esteem

As a child gains strength, flexibility and focus, their self-confidence also begins to boost.

  • They come to see that with the right effort and attitude, they can accomplish just about anything.

Strikes a balance

Many of the poses of yoga require finding a physical balance.

  • As a holistic practice, yoga also seeks to strike a balance in life, combining activity with relaxation, health with enjoyment, busyness with quiet time, and contentment with striving.

Provides tools to manage stress

As an exercise, yoga releases endorphins that create a sense of well-being. Its meditative aspects calm the body and mind, and slow the breath.

  • Its philosophical side promotes non-judgment, non-competition and sense of personal acceptance.

Strengthens bonds to parents

Yoga is a great discipline that can be practiced on your own or in a group.

  • You can also do it with your kids, so you share an interest and grow together.

Promotes academic achievement

Learning to focus in yoga helps kids to concentrate on their schoolwork.

  • Studies have shown that schools with yoga programs have seen test scores go up.
  • Since the benefits are evident, many schools are now offering instruction in yoga.

In school, yoga also helps students to:

  • Decrease stress. This is especially helpful if they are in demanding academic programs with exams.
  • Work co-operatively. Yoga is about creating harmonious relationships with each other and the environment. Partner poses, for example, teach the value of working together.
  • Make healthy choices. As a holistic discipline, yoga encourages students to adopt healthy eating and create positive personal relationships.

When looking at a young child practicing yoga, who hasn't thought, "Wouldn’t it be great if they could keep that flexibility all their lives?" If they start their yoga training now, they can.

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