4 cold-prevention tips for staying healthy this winter

October 13, 2015

Catching a cold in winter can be miserable, and it can spread easily when we're cooped up inside for months on end. Here are some tried-and-true tips that could help prevent you from getting one.

4 cold-prevention tips for staying healthy this winter

1. Wash your hands

When someone with a cold sneezes, the bacteria is likely to be found on surrounding surfaces, including door handles, computer keyboards, railings or shopping carts.

  • When handling items, take time to wash your hands frequently, particularly before eating, which helps avoid the transfer of germs.
  • Hand wipes or gel sprays are also handy when there is nowhere to wash your hands.

2. Build immunity

Keeping fit and eating a healthy diet packed with vitamins is vital to building resistance against illness.

  • Exercise regularly and make time to get out into the fresh air as often as possible.
  • Make sure you eat lots of fruit and vegetables with vitamin C to help build resistance.
  • Citrus fruit is particularly good for fighting off infections. Taking supplementary vitamins can help prevent colds and, combined with a healthy diet, will give that boost needed to get through the winter months.
  • Another important aspect of preventing colds is looking after yourself by getting enough sleep each night and making sure not to overwork yourself. This helps the body rejuvenate and not become run down and more susceptible to colds.

3. Dress for the weather

Wearing appropriate clothing for winter weather can also help prevent colds.

  • Waterproof clothing helps avoid sitting around in damp clothing when it rains.
  • A lot of heat is lost from the head in very cold weather, so wearing a hat can help prevent colds.

4. Educate others

One of the most effective ways of staying healthy is to make sure the family and people at work or college know how to avoid spreading colds, which help reduce the risk of everyone coming down with the same bug.

  • Ensure people know that using tissues, avoiding sneezing openly and washing their hands will help prevent the spread of those bugs.
  • Above all, encourage people to stay at home if they have a cold so they can recover and not give it to everyone else.

Your daily routine

Colds at any time of the year are a misery, but especially in winter. By taking a few of these ideas and planning them into your daily routine, you might be able to prevent a cold this winter.

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