5 ways to create the perfect homework station

May 21, 2015

The backpack and school supplies are ready, but is your child prepared for the homework? Take inspo from all those cool home office set-ups you’ve seen lately and create a dedicated space that works for school work.

5 ways to create the perfect homework station

[Image credit: iStock.com/Topalov]

1. Find a quiet spot

Studies show that distractions such as music, even for students who feel it's beneficial, leads to decreased performance and their ability to retain and process information.

  • It's important for study spots to be quiet and not too stimulating. It helps children to focus on what needs attention.

2. Make it comfortable

One of the easiest ways to sabotage study hour is by forcing a child to sit in a hard chair, in front of a desk that is too tall, in a room that is too cold or hot. When it comes to concentration, comfort counts.

  • Children's manufacturers have worked to create seating that is functional, cool and comfy for the creation of effective study spots.
  • Plush window cushions and ball-style seating make excellent options because they make studies fun, but aren't distracting.

3. Gather your child's supplies

When the kids are back to school and the biggest supply sales are on, pick up extras to keep at home. That way your child doesn't have to drag everything home each night.

  • Keep supplies grouped together and organized at home to ensure your child can always find whatever they need. Being organized also helps you to know what items are running low and require restocking.

4. Organize the work space

It doesn't take much to organize a homework station, but the benefits are plenty. It makes finding stuff easier and helps to prevent visual clutter, which can be distracting. Tidying up after is much easier, too.

  • Supplies can be easily stashed together in a school bag and hung on a peg; placed in a box on a nearby shelf, or divided up by type in a professional organizer.
  • Make sure any extra cables they might need to plug in a laptop computer or tablet (to be used only for completing homework!) are easily accessible and not strewn about like spaghetti.

The important thing is that they're all put back once study time is over, which frees up more space to play.

5. Post schedules and reminders

A simple bulletin board placed in a study station can help your child stay on track.

  • Encourage your children to write down all assignments in a small notebook during the day. Then, transfer them to larger to-do lists after they get home.
  • In addition, ask your children to keep track of how long each assignment takes and jot the times down upon completion.

Not only will a cork board help you stay up-to-date with what your kids are studying, you can also see what subjects (if any) are causing problems.

Creating a well-stocked, well-organized area

Homework needn't be a nightly struggle. A well-stocked, well-organized area where they can comfortably complete their assignments can help your child make the most of every minute they spend on studies.

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