5 common symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children

November 14, 2014

Properly treating type 1 diabetes is crucial. That's why recognizing the symptoms if your children are affected will ensure they get the right treatment and continue to lead healthy lives down the road. Here's what to look for.

5 common symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children

Type 1 diabetes in kids is often undiagnosed because the early symptoms are unnoticed or attributed to other illnesses. Once called juvenile diabetes, this disease can be fatal if not appropriately managed. The five common symptoms to watch for include:

1. Bed wetting or frequent urination

Kids with diabetes may start urinating more often.

  • Sometimes, younger children may start bed wetting unexpectedly.
  • The amount of urine expelled may also increase, which may be paired with extreme thirst.
  • Children with type 1 diabetes often crave sweet, cold drinks.

2. Weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is a symptom of many ailments, but it's also a common symptom of type 1 diabetes that has progressed past its initial stages.

  • Weight loss may be combined with a noticeably increased appetite.
  • Weight loss is a serious symptom that merits a prompt doctor's appointment.

3. Blurry vision

Untreated diabetes can often cause changes in eyesight, including blurry vision.

  • While adults may quickly notice a change, many children do not.
  • Younger children who do not read are even less likely to spot a change.
  • Monitoring your child's eyesight is important. Don't skip regular optometrist appointments, which will help you spot a problem in advance.

4. Weakness

Many kids with undiagnosed diabetes may feel tired or weak all of the time.

  • Untreated type 1 diabetes in kids may progress to causing drowsiness.
  • Unexplained tiredness that lasts for more than a few days should be discussed with a doctor.

5. Yeast infection

Chronic yeast infections in girls are also a common symptom of diabetes.

  • In very young kids, the yeast infection may manifest as a lingering diaper rash that does not respond to treatment.
  • Diaper rashes should show significant signs of improvement within 72 hours.
  • Rashes that last longer than a few days or get worse should be treated by a doctor.

Discussing your concerns with a pediatrician

Diagnosing type 1 diabetes early can be difficult, because many of these symptoms are present in healthy children.

  • Increased appetite, for example, could be a symptom of diabetes, but it's also common among growing children.

Therefore, if you notice any common diabetes symptoms, mention them to your child's doctor right away. Diabetes is easily diagnosed with a simple blood glucose test.

Recognizing the symptoms of type 1 diabetes is the essential first step in getting a diagnosis. Recurring and chronic yeast infections, weakness or thirst could be the early signs that you need to have your child's blood glucose levels tested.

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