Thinking of trying snowboarding or just looking for bigger gear for your growing kids? Think about buying used snowboard equipment this year.
It’s your first time snowboarding and you want to make sure you’re equipped with everything you need. Here are a few pointers for beginners on the essentials.
Determining the right snowboard length isn’t an exact science, but the following guide should get you going in the right direction when it comes time to shop.
Dang those pebbles. Your snowboard seems to attract them like a magnet. Good thing it’s easy to repair scratches on a snowboard base. Here’s how to DIY.
Whether you love riding rails, hard-charging verticals or you're just starting out, these tips will help you find a snowboard that matches your skill and style.
You’ve tried it and you’re hooked? Before you respond to the call of the mountains, you have to know how to choose a snowboard that’ll keep you going.
If you’re a slave to your sport, then learning how to find cheap snowboards is going to let you try more stuff. Sometimes it takes planning and sometimes not.
A good snowboarding jacket combines style, comfort and technology. But what gives the best value for money? Here’s a shopping guide for snowboard addicts.
You like snowboarding? Snowboard rentals can really be worthwhile, and not just as a way to save money, either.
Did you know that your snowboard’s flexibility (or lack thereof) can interfere with your performance on the slopes? But it won’t — if you choose it right.
Do you need a bit of guidance to help you choose your snowboard equipment? Follow these tips and hit the slopes safely.
Every snowboarder fears the dreaded sound: debris screeching across the base of their board. Is it possible to repair a snowboard yourself? Let’s see.
The right snowboard boots count for a lot on the slopes or in the terrain park. Shop carefully, though, because they’re not an investment to take lightly.
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