When building or replacing an asphalt shingle roof, you'll want to make sure you have the right roofing materials to get the job done.
A wooden roof is a pretty sight, but needs special care to keep it in good shape. Here are three tips to have your wooden roof hold its good looks.
Learning how to identify and prevent ice damming on your roof will lower your cost of ownership and keep your property in excellent condition.
If you're a new homeowner, you'll need to protect your investment by knowing about your roof to keep your property in excellent condition. Here are some tips to prevent and repair any damage.
Roof maintenance is an important aspect of keeping your vacation property in the best shape possible. Here's what to consider when deciding how to take care of your roof.
Wondering what's currently protecting your home from the elements? Here's a brief overview of the most commonly used residential roofing products.
For any homeowner, learning how to inspect your roof is key. Regular roof inspections can help identify trouble spots before they become expensive problems.
Blisters, cracks and tears can spell big trouble for flat roofs, so they should be fixed promptly to keep your home dry and safe. Check out this DIY advice for how to effectively and safely repair your flat roof.
It's likely that you don't think about your roof much unless something has gone wrong. If something has and there are repairs to be made, these 4 pointers will help you get started.
Finding the source of a leaking roof can of course help you know what needs repairing, and save your roof from further damage. The earlier you find it, the more likely you are to save money on repairs and reroofing .
Bringing in one of the great roofers will ensure that the inspection, repair, or replacement of your roof is done by real experts.
A dry stone wall is built without mortar so how you put the materials together is very important for it to be stable. There is a very special technique to building a dry-stone wall. These tips will help.
The drumming of the rain on a metal roof is reminder of this simple material's­ place in everyday life. Here's some things about corrugated metal you may not have known.
Most gutters are made of vinyl, aluminum, galvanized steel or copper. Each type has its advantages and weaknesses. Consider price, look, durability and assembly required. Here is some information on each type of gutter to help:
Most building materials are available secondhand, but there are important points consider when looking to save money and stay safe. This guide covers what you should know before buying secondhand bricks or roofing material.
Making lumber is simpler than most people realize. We'll teach you how to choose the right axe, how to season your wood, and everything else you need to know to craft your own shakes and shingles.
A sturdy roof is possibly your best home investment. The problem is you often don’t know you have a leak until you see the peeling wallpaper or damp spots. Don’t stress! You can go a long way to preventing leaky roof damage by following these steps.
Clearing gutters is a maintenance job best done late in fall after all the leaves have fallen. But you may find that your gutters suddenly start overflowing at any time of year. Here is how you can safely remove debris and keep your gutters working t
Though no home is fire-proof, by avoiding certain shapes and materials you can make any building significantly safer. If you live in a high-risk area, follow these guidelines to protect your home from forest fires.
If you have a section of clapboard, a shingle or shape damaged, here's how to replace it.
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