Electrical issues should always be approached with caution; many jobs require professional help, but there are steps you can take to ensure your home uses electricity safely and efficiently.
Home electricity is both essential and dangerous. This guide walks you through some electricity basics to help you keep your home powered and safe.
Lighting technology has changed dramatically in the last decade with the widespread introduction of low-energy bulbs, but some common problems still have simple fixes.
Using low-voltage landscape lighting is an inexpensive and easy way to make your home look beautiful at night.
The ancient Chinese discovered natural gas while mining for salt, and burned it to create light underground. But the type of gas lighting that was to take over from the candle and the oil lamp began in France during the 1790s.
There are many good reasons to add automation to your home, and some of them you might not have thought of. If you want some reasons to automate parts of your home, check out the list below.
Electrical accidents at home happen more frequently than you would expect. But it's easy to learn how to prevent them, and doing so will guarantee that you feel safe within your home all year long.
Electrical safety is everybody's business and prevention of electrical problems by observing electrical safety tips can save lives and property.
When tackling any home improvement project, working with an electrical contractor qualified for the job is half the battle.
Electrical boxes and enclosures come in different sizes and configurations, which means users must take the time to become familiar with them before making a selection.
Despite greater cloud cover along the coasts, Canadians can still benefit from the installation of solar panels on the roofs of residential structures
Offices and commercial buildings, which are often left unattended over the weekend or during holidays, can benefit from the addition of a power failure alarm.
As reliance on electronics and technology increases, so does the need for more power. If there are not enough outlets in your home, here's what you can do.
When it comes to electrical safety you might think it’s safe to proceed, but it’s best to call in an electrician to be sure.
Do you have the impression that electricity is just buzzing around your home? Don’t worry—that electrical noise can be fixed by a certified electrician.
Again! Is your lightbulb burning out, and you can’t seem to figure out why? If you want to see the light, call your local electrician.
Quick quiz: did you know that overhead lights shouldn’t have pull chains? No? Maybe you’d better contact an electrician for that repair job.
Air conditioners are highly effective at lowering air temperatures and also help reduce humidity. In recent years, cheaper, more efficient models have become available, including compact reverse-cycle units that also provide heating. But air conditio
Adding a new light switch to your room adds ambience and flexibility to your home's lighting. These tips show you how to replace light switches and everyday fixtures.
Water power achieves its greatest usefulness when it is converted into electricity. The conversion is made possible by electrical generators that are able to transform a waterwheel's rotary motion into electric current. Here are four types of turbine
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