There are several alternatives to salt that work wonderfully to add flavour to your food. If you are cutting back on your sodium intake, read on for flavourful ideas for enhancing your meals while managing your salt consumption. Whatever you do, make
Seniors are at heightened risk of contracting pneumonia and are also vulnerable to its complications. These four tips can help you keep your aging loved one safe from this common infectious disease.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common respiratory diseases in Canada. Although there is no cure for COPD, you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing the condition.
Bugs bites can ruin a hiking trip, but with the right clothes and correct use of insect repellent, most bug bites can be avoided.
Even though premenstrual syndrome is not usually a debilitating issue, it is annoying to go through every month. Here's a couple lifestyle changes that you can try to prevent PMS affecting your life.
Attitudes on sex may have changed, but STIs are still rampant and the ways to avoid them have improved. Practising safe sex will help you stay healthy and have an enjoyable sex life. Check out these ways to prevent getting infected.
Getting jock itch is an unpleasant experience, but fortunately, it's easily preventable if you remember these simple and hygienic tips!
Cutting back your risk of getting kidney stones can be as easy as a glass of juice in the morning. This and a few other simple lifestyle changes can help prevent this painful experience down the road.
The last thing anyone needs is a bout of the stomach flu, but how do you avoid something that contagious? With these 5 steps, you'll stand a chance at staying healthy during an outbreak.
Excessive gas can be an embarrassing problem and impact your life negatively. With these 10 tips, you can take steps to prevent gas from forming in the first place.
If you've ever had a yeast infection, you know that it's not an experience you want to repeat. By taking steps and making minor changes, you'll be able to stave off another unpleasant infection.
Medical tests screen for serious health problems, and detecting them early is key. Here is a detailed list of important medical tests you need, when to get them and why.
Living with asthma doesn't mean you have to be at the mercy of an attack at any time. There's plenty that you can do to boost your immune system with a few lifestyle changes.
This is the stuff nightmares are made of. You're walking alone at night and are suddenly grabbed from behind by a predator. How can you help protect yourself and stay out of harm's way? These guidelines will give you some potentially life-saving poin
Stomach ulcer pain is no joke: it can leave you debilitated. Fortunately, there's ways to lower your risk of getting an ulcer by following these six steps.
Chronic respiratory conditions can follow patterns when it comes to weather and the time of year. The good news is that you can learn to use weather forecasts to help you avoid regular symptoms and prevent new problems.
Cholesterol is often misunderstood, which doesn't help people who want to keep it under control. But with these five strategies, you fight back against cholesterol, and start living a healthier lifestyle.
Heartburn, and its more serious cousin gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may only be an inconvenience now, but it can get worse. Take it seriously — and try these strategies to discourage acid backwash.
It wasn't that long ago that Canadians didn't have to worry about West Nile virus. However, since the first report in 2002, the disease has been found in numerous provinces across the country. That's why it's important to know how to recognize West N
Asthma attacks can be terrifying, and, even when your asthma is under control, there may be environmental factors that can trigger your attacks. Thankfully, though, if you take control of your surroundings, you can help minimize the risks of an asthm
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