Many wonderful things go on within the body during pregnancy. However, there are also a number of uncomfortable symptoms and body issues that occur as well. Many of these body issues simply go away on their own but some require treatment. Here are th
More than 250,000 Canadian couples struggle with infertility. Although you can't do much to turn back the biological clock, technological innovations are now making it possible for many more people to ultimately bring a child into the world.
It's never too early to start getting your body and mind ready for a healthy pregnancy and an even healthier baby. So keep these things in mind when planning ahead and enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
You've bought all the baby clothes, set up the crib and have a name already picked out, but your due date has come and gone. There are plenty of options to help induce birth and start labour. Here is what you should know about overdue births.
While it is important to maintain a healthy diet throughout pregnancy (the fetus requires essential nutrients at every stage of development), good nutrition during the first trimester of pregnancy is particularly vital because rapid growth of the spi
Genetic screening during pregnancy can help you identify whether your baby will have certain diseases, but it also comes with some risks. Here is what you need to know about the process.
Even if they do not make you feel ill, some of the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that occur in certain foods can cause serious health problems in your baby. To protect your own health and the health of your unborn child, here's a list of the types
Within a year of trying, 92 percent of healthy couples will find themselves pregnant. The remainder, however, face the possibility that they will never become pregnant without medical help for one or both partners. Don't automatically blame the femal
When you and your partner have decided to have a child, you both eagerly await a positive pregnancy test. To help increase the likeliness of such a result, you should understand your menstrual cycle and how to best time when to have intercourse durin
As the timer ticks to zero and the pregnancy test reveals a positive, you life changes in an instant. As you prepare for your first appointment with your obstetrician or midwife, consider the questions you want to ask as you prepare for nine months o
Pregnancy can aggravate existing animal allergies or even cause new ones to spring up. Discover the best ways to deal with these issues.
Your life changes when you find out you're pregnant. Your lifestyle, however, does not have to wait to change until you conceive. When you decide that you're ready to add to your family, you should establish a healthy lifestyle as well. Eliminating u
Thousands of years before the advent of "the Pill," men and women were improvising ways — some ineffective, some downright risky — to thwart Mother Nature's intended outcome of sex. Today there are a handful of effective options to choose from, but b
If you’re thinking of taking a medical test at home you need tobe cautious. Such tests are convenient but they are not always accurate. These tips will help you make a sound decision about which tests are ideal to do at hom
Give yourself a break and don’t try to snap back to your pre-pregnancy weight right away. Slow and steady wins the race.
As you approach your due date, it’s a good idea to pack the bag you’re going to bring with you to the hospital. Don’t forget to pack these key items.
Whether the pregnancy is planned or not, or whether the test is marked by feelings of hope or fear, an accurate response is crucial. So do drugstore pregnancy tests ever get it wrong?
Fortunately, there are some simple things expectant mothers can do to ease discomfort like back pain while they're pregnant.
There are plenty of ways pregnant women can fulfill their fitness needs while having fun, too. Read on to learn five ways dancing benefits moms-to-be.
If you've developed gestational diabetes during your pregnancy, planning a healthy menu can help control the condition. Find out how with this handy guide.
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