While procrastination can be a difficult hurdle to overcome, there are some simple ways that people who tend to procrastinate can learn to get things done. If you're a procrastinator, check out these helpful productivity tips.
Emails are likely essential in your business and personal life, but reviewing and responding to them can take the bulk of a working day. Here are four ways to help you keep your inbox under control.
Delegating can help you free up valuable time and energy, allowing you to focus on critical tasks and boost your productivity. Here are 3 suggestions to help you learn to delegate more effectively.
For personal assistants, one of the best ways to keep up in a fast-paced environment is by working smarter and incorporating tech tools in your daily workflow. Here are 5 tech tools that can help you be more productive.
If you’re looking for work as a personal assistant, certain skills will serve you well. The good news is that many can be learned and perfected. Read on for the 5 key skills you’ll need to be a great personal assistant.
Getting more done each day doesn't have to mean mountains of stress. All of us have 24 hours a day, no matter how hectic your schedule. Using a timer, enforcing deadlines, and taking the long view can help you get more done in the time you have.
Whether it's a few minutes on a social networking site or long hours sleeping in, we often feel our time could be better spent. These are four ways that you can start using tech to increase your productivity.
Countless people struggle with productivity and procrastination. No matter how badly something needs to be done, motivation can be a real obstacle. That's where the Pomodoro Method comes into play. Here's how it can help you:
You might love shopping for yourself, but becoming a personal shopper requires a whole different skill set. If you want to become a personal shopper, try some of these simple tricks.
Can taking breaks during your workday increase productivity? According to the pomodoro technique, the answer is "yes."
Karaoke can be a fun but anxious experience. Here are some ways that singing karaoke can help you become a better public speaker by learning to deal with the unexpected:
Hiring a personal assistant is a great way for a busy person to reduce stress and get more done. Here are some important tips for picking the right personal assistant to ensure that you are a good match.
There's nothing quite like having to focus on a report or other important piece of work but not being in the mood. Here are a few tips on how to focus on your work and avoid procrastination:
Working in a cubicle can often feel constricting as well as distracting when colleagues carry on loud conversations, phones ring and people walk by. Following these suggestions can help increase productivity at work by improving your focus and morale
Choosing a career is never an easy task and you might go through a few before finding one. For people with ADHD, this can be particularly difficult because typical jobs are too rigid. However, there are ways to play to your strengths and land your dr
As a personal assistant, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the tasks your boss sends your way. Effective time management is essential. These techniques will help you organize your daily work, projects and personal life.
In theory, an open-door policy seems an excellent trigger to greater productivity. Your subordinates can come to you at any time so they get their work done faster. In practice, however, you're discovering that the minute you start on something, one
Spreadsheets work well in both management and analytical functions, from organizing schedules to staying on top of inventory. Understanding and using more advanced spreadsheet functions can help streamline tasks, increase productivity and assist in m
You can be a successful work-from-home parent if you keep these tips in mind and enlist the support of family and friends.
Working from home has many fringe benefits, but no one is immune from an off day now and then. When lack of motivation strikes, use these five tips to regain your focus.
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