4 yoga poses for stress relief

November 26, 2014

When life throws you stress, look to yoga as a healthy way to reduce it. Here are some of the best yoga poses for stress relief.

4 yoga poses for stress relief

1. Namaste

Namaste is one of the most traditional yoga poses.

  • Start by standing with your feet together and your arms hanging by your sides.
  • Take a deep breath and raise your arms up and out until they meet over your head.
  • Then, exhale and bring your arms back down to your sides.

2. Child's pose

  • Start by getting down on your hands and knees and then slowly sit back onto your heels.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you as far as you can reach on the floor.
  • Take several deep breaths with your forehead on the floor and let your body relax.

This helps stretch the muscles in your torso.

3. Shoulder stretch

  • Stand next to a wall and reach the arm that is closest to the wall out in front of you, pressing your palm against the wall.
  • Then twist your body away from your arm so you feel a slight stretch on the shoulder.
  • Hold this pose for several deep breaths and then repeat with the other arm.

This pose will release tension from your neck and shoulders.

4. Legs on the wall

  • Start the pose by sitting next to a wall with your knees bent and your side up against the wall.
  • Then, twist your body around and slide your legs up the wall until they are straight against the wall.
  • Take a few deep breaths in this position with your arms by your side and feel the stretch along the back of your legs.

These are just a few yoga poses that can drastically reduce the feeling of stress in your life. Introduce a yoga practice into your daily routine in order to help keep manage stress levels.

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