8 things you should know about the 2020 flu vaccine

November 23, 2020

Cold and flu season is back and this year it’s more important than ever to be vigilant in warding off infection. Influenza (flu) viruses are highly contagious and can impact anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of the population annually. The flu shot is the best defense for yourself – and your community – against flu-related illnesses.

Read on to learn more about the flu vaccination 2020, possible side effects, and when and where to get it in your local area.

8 things you should know about the 2020 flu vaccine

Photo credit: famveldman

How does the flu vaccine work and how long does it last?

The flu shot is a vaccination designed to help your body produce antibodies that fight off multiple strains of influenza. The 2020-2021 flu vaccination has been developed to minimize the risk of contracting Influenza A(H1N1), Influenza A(H3N2) and Influenza B. Flu viruses are constantly mutating and different strains circulate in the popular each year, so it’s important to get the flu shot annually.

Who should get a flu shot?

According to Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization, everyone over the age of six-months should get the flu shot. It is highly recommended getting vaccinated if you are part of a high-risk population, which includes healthcare workers, seniors, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, or if you work with children or on the front lines. If you are unsure if you should get the 2020 flu vaccination, speak to a medical professional.

At what age should kids get the flu shot?

Children six months and older should get the flu shot annually unless there is a medical reason not to, or if they’ve had a severe reaction to the vaccination in the past. Children with serious chicken and/or egg allergies should consult a medical professional before getting the flu shot as some vaccines contain trace amounts of egg protein that may result in hypersensitivity or severe allergic reactions.

What are potential side effects of the flu shot?

The benefits of getting the flu shot far outweigh the possible risks and side effects. The large majority of recipients experience no symptoms following the vaccine. The most common side effect from the flu shot is mild soreness or redness in the arm surrounding the injection site.

Does the flu shot make you sick?

Contrary to popular myth, the flu vaccine does not make you sick. In fact, most people do not experience any side effects from the injection and severe reactions are incredibly rare.

Does the flu shot protect against the Coronavirus?

Unfortunately, the 2020 flu vaccination will not protect you from the Coronavirus. While the seasonal flu and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms, they are caused by different virus strains.

When is the flu vaccine available?

Flu season typically begins in late fall (November) and lasts until early spring (April). As the vaccine takes approximately two weeks to become effective, it’s important to schedule your flu shot as early as possible.

Where are flu shots available?

The 2020 flu vaccine is available from your family doctor, nurse practitioner, at select pharmacies and local public health units. Demand for the flu vaccine has increased exponentially this year, so you’ll want to plan in advance and be proactive in getting your shot to help protect yourself and others against the flu virus. For more information about where to get a flu shot in your region, consult your provincial health authority.

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