5 things you should know before choosing your ice skates

December 17, 2014

Whether you’re considering skates for sport or recreation, you’ll need a good pair. Learn how to choose the best ice skates for you.

5 things you should know before choosing your ice skates

1. Rent before you buy

Ice skates can be expensive, so it may be a good idea to rent a pair first to see if they’re the right style for you. Then, if you find they’re comfortable and you like them, you can invest in your own pair of ice skates. When you go shopping for ice skates, here are a few tips and warning signs to look out for.

2. Know the right colour

  • Girls and women typically wear white boots, while men and boys typically wear black boots.
  • While there are a wide variety of boot colours on the market, only the aforementioned two are appropriate for professional training purposes.
  • If you just want to skate recreationally, choose any colour you like.

3. Get the right size

  • Skating boots typically run about one and a half sizes smaller than sneakers do.
  • Don’t assume you can just buy the same size boot, since your toes will be pinched.
  • Make sure you get your skates properly fitted by somebody who is very familiar with ice skates.

4. Make sure they don't pinch

  • When you’re getting your skates fitted, the person who is doing so should ask, “Does it hurt anywhere?”
  • Make sure you tell them if your foot does hurt anywhere, so you get a properly fitted boot and avoid foot injuries down the line.
  • You’ll only regret being too shy to speak up later.
  • If you feel even the slightest amount of pressure, ask for it to be punched out.

5. Store them properly

  • When storing your skates, be sure to wipe off any ice or water off the blades and the boot as soon as you step off the ice.
  • This will prevent rust and damage to the blade, which means your blades will last longer between sharpening.

When you buy or try on your skates, make sure to bring and wear whatever socks or tights you plan on wearing while you wear them. That way you can feel the comfort and size as it will be when you actually skate with them on.

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