5 things new high-tech home security systems can do

October 13, 2015

High-tech home security systems

If you haven't shopped for home security systems recently, take another look. Security technology companies are creating the next generation of home security products that are worlds beyond what people used in previous decades.

Here are some of the best new features of home security systems developed over the last few years.

5 things new high-tech home security systems can do

1. Mobile call follow-ups

In the old days, security companies called a landline, which required the responder to run to a wall or desktop phone.

Now you can get calls or texts directly to your cell phone from your home security company, which makes emergencies and other processes a good deal easier, especially for those who always carry a cell.

2. CCTV monitoring

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is something that home security has had for a while, but now, with rapid advances in digital photography and imaging, home security companies are packaging much more quality into tighter and smaller devices and systems.

Looking at CCTV footage from just a few years ago and comparing it to what you see from CCTV systems today shows the difference.

The best part of these improvements, though, is that you can get these higher quality video feeds for less money than you'd pay for older systems.

3. Full-home door and window systems with monitoring features

Like some previous systems, a lot of today's home security systems will protect each door and each window in the house on a sophisticated circuit design. This design also includes features that will notify homeowners if anything is out of place.

But with today's systems, there's also more diagnostic ability.

For example, some state-of-the-art home security systems may provide video or location information direct to your mobile phone or other device.

4. Remote key

Gone are the days of twisting a key in your front door to gain entry. Many of today's home security systems from top providers give homeowners the option of carrying around the same kinds of small security fobs that we often use for late-model vehicles.

Simply put security gear on your keychain, point and click, and you'll be able to get into the house without those awkward few seconds at the front door.

This is a big one, because with traditional systems, key entry was often a liability. In unsafe places or situations, you wouldn't want to be wrangling with a key or trying to enter the house with someone approaching.

Remote keyless entry solves these and other major problems, such as the old broken-key scenario, which often required calling a locksmith.

5. Biometrics

Want new ways to identify yourself for home security? Give biometrics a try.

Biometrics consist of systems that identify a person not through passwords or PIN codes, but through elements of their physical makeup, such as their fingerprints, thumbprint, or facial structure.

Now it's possible to get fingerprint or thumbprint systems for some home security setups, which is a great leap forward in eliminating some of the biggest inconveniences with old systems that used letters and numbers.

All of these new capabilities and features make home security a lot easier to handle.

So, if you're looking for a new or updated home security system, consider what today's vendors bring to the table. With their convenient security design, these systems can help to seriously deter crime and give everyone in your home peace of mind.

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