5 activities to do with Dad on Father's Day

November 26, 2014

Father's Day can be about giving gifts to celebrate your dad, but it can also be a good chance to get him out of the house to share a fun and meaningful experience with you.

5 activities to do with Dad on Father's Day

If you'd like to plan an activity this year rather than give a simple present, check out the ideas below. These five activities will be things that your father will enjoy and that will bring your family closer on Father's Day.

1. Go golfing

For dads who love to golf, there's nothing more fun than 18 holes with the people he loves.

  • If you can't play golf yourself, volunteer to be his caddy and drive the cart, or carry around his clubs if you're walking.
  • If your dad's not an avid golfer, go mini-golfing. Mini-golf is a fun game that kids of all ages can enjoy with their dads.

2. Volunteer together

One good way to get active with your dad and give back to the world is volunteering on Father's Day.

  • If dad's a physical guy, consider doing something with your hands, like volunteering to build homes.
  • You can go to a local soup kitchen and wish the fathers there a happy Father's Day, too.
  • Giving on a holiday often feels just as good (or better) than getting gifts.

3. Go to a concert

Kids and their dads can often have different taste in music.

  • This Father's Day ask your dad about his favourite music, then buy two tickets to a concert that he'll like in your area.
  • Go to the concert with him. Not only will he get to have a great time, he will also get to share with you the music that matters to him.

4. Cook him brunch

Often at family parties, dads can get stuck behind the grill or in the kitchen.

  • This Father's Day, invite your dad over for brunch and cook for him.
  • Ask him to create his favourite brunch or lunch menu, then prepare that meal.
  • While you cook, give him the remote control and tell him he has free rein to channel surf — no one will complain about what he wants to watch.

5. Visit wine country

There are many areas in Canada that are well known for their wine. So if your dad enjoys drinking a delicious glass of vino, consider taking him to visit a wine trail or wine country.

  • Volunteer to be the designated driver so he can enjoy glasses at different vineyards throughout the day.
  • If you have to take a long drive to get to wine country, look into camping or renting a hotel room to stay overnight.
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