4 tips to start a house-sitting business

November 3, 2015

4 tips to start a house-sitting business

As long as people go on vacations, there will be a need for house sitters. If you're thinking of starting a business, opening one devoted to providing house-sitting services is a good idea. Check out the list below for helpful tips on how to start a house-sitting business.

4 tips to start a house-sitting business

1. Get your business licence

If you want to run a legitimate house-sitting business, you'll need to get the proper business licence in your area. Register your business name and obtain permission to earn money as a house sitter. This will ensure that you're legally allowed to practise business and have the permission and recognition of the government.

2. Become bonded and insured

One of the best things you can do is to get bonded and insured if you want clients to view your house-sitting business as a reputable company. Clients will know you are a legitimate company and will feel that they can trust you in their homes if you're bonded. If you have insurance, you will not be liable for accidents or damages that might happen at the home while you occupy it.

3. Market yourself

Set up a website and social media presence for your business. Include customer testimonials, references and a CV of your experience. You'll also want to place listings for your house-sitting company on websites that feature directories of sitters. Pass out fliers to friends and family members, and consider placing an ad in local papers. Getting a house-sitting business started is a matter of finding those first few clients. After that, word-of-mouth tends to bring clients. Customers who travel frequently often become repeat customers.

4. Do a great job

The best way to run a successful house-sitting business is to do a great job. Obtain all the necessary contact information from the homeowner, as well as detailed instructions about the home. Create a form for customers to complete that will provide you with any necessary information you'll need while you stay in the home. When you do an excellent job house-sitting, you'll build your reputation as a reliable, trustworthy service. As your company grows, consider adding one or two more house sitters to your business team.

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