4 tips for throwing a fun surprise baby shower

November 26, 2014

Throwing a baby shower is a festive way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a little one into the world. One way to make a shower even more fun is to make it a surprise. These tips will help you throw a joyful surprise shower for a mother-to-be.

4 tips for throwing a fun surprise baby shower

1. Make sure the mother would like a surprise

Surprises can be a fun way to add an extra element of celebration to any event. However, they aren't for everyone.

  • Pregnancy can be challenging or uncomfortable for some women and a surprise shower, while a nice idea, can actually create stress if the mother-to-be doesn't enjoy surprises.
  • Ask other family members or friends if they think the guest of honour will enjoy this type of shower.
  • Don't start planning until you're sure a surprise shower is a good idea.

2. Send digital invites

If you plan to invite friends and family members who are close to the new mom, do it digitally via email or another online e-invitation service.

  • People tend to keep physical invitations around their homes, and the mother-to-be just might spot an invitation, which will ruin the surprise.
  • Include important details like the time, date and location of the party, and be sure to note the fact that it's a surprise.

3. Choose a convenient spot

If you choose a spot that you'll be able to access before the party, you'll have plenty of time to decorate the shower venue with festive and cute baby decor.

  • It's not a good idea to hold the shower at the guest of honour's home or office, because it can be difficult to decorate those spaces before the shower.
  • Consider renting a private room at a restaurant and plan to meet there for lunch or dinner. When the mother-to-be arrives, the waiting guests can reveal the surprise.

4. Create a gift list

Many mothers use registries to list the things they want and need for their new babies.

  • Ask the new mom to create a registry for gifts without mentioning anything about a baby shower.
  • Tell her that her friends will want to consult the registry before they purchase gifts for the baby, and share the registry with invitees.
  • When guests order directly from the registry, the mother-to-be is usually updated. Avoid this problem by sending the registry in a separate document. Let guests know that the items on the list will be good choices for shower gifts.
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