4 signs it's time to get new running shoes

April 17, 2015

Running is an excellent exercise for health and stress-relief, but it's also hard on your body. That's why running shoes in good condition are important. When will you know to replace yours?

4 signs it's time to get new running shoes

Running is an excellent exercise for health and stress-relief, but it can also be hard on your body. In order to ensure that you stay safe when running, it's important to have the adequate gear in good condition, particularly running shoes.

Running shoes provide support not only to the feet of a runner, but also the ankles, knees, back and more. Here we explain four of the most common ailments that people experience when they have worn out their running shoes, and when it's time to invest in some new ones.

1. You feel shin pain

One of the most common injuries or strains that is caused by an improper running shoe is shin splints. Shin splints occur when the muscles, tendons and tissue at the front of the shin become inflamed and painful, and they're caused by repetitive pounding and stress on the shins.

  • A proper running shoe in good shape will stop this unnecessary pressure from happening while running. If you start experiencing pain in your shins that you've not had before, it might be time to look into buying a new pair of shoes.

2. You see visible signs of wear on the soles

A good way to know if your shoes are still holding up is to examine how they look physically. The sole of a shoe is a good indicator of how sturdy the shoe still is.

  • If you see holes or visible wearing down of treads on the bottom of the show, it's definitely time for them to be replaced.
  • You can also check out the midsole, which is the part between the sole and the place your foot rests, to see if you can see compression lines or wrinkles. If so, it's time to invest in some fresh shoes.

3. You haven't bought a new pair in a long time

Running shoes are just one of those items of clothing that wears out when you use them. According to a recent article in a well-known newspaper, to remain as effective as possible running shoes should be replaced every 480 to 645 kilometres.

  • So, think about how often you run and how far, and if you've run more than this distance in your shoes, consider replacing them.

4. They feel different than a new pair of shoes

If you're unsure whether you need a new pair of shoes or not, head to a shoe store and try on a new pair. If the new pair doesn't feel noticeably different than the pair you have, then your shoes should be okay to wear.

  • However, if your old shoes feel far less cushioned than the ones you try on in the store, there's a good chance their support has worn out and you'll benefit from replacing them.

Ultimately, nobody will know better than you if your running shoes are ready to be retired or still have some life left in them. It's always a good idea to routinely check out the state of your running shoes to ensure you're getting the most out of them.

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