3 fun and inexpensive DIY Halloween decorations

December 8, 2014

Why empty your wallet on pricey, store-bought Halloween decorations when they're easy and inexpensive to make yourself? Here are three fun and simple ideas for decorations that will put you and your family in the Halloween spirit.

3 fun and inexpensive DIY Halloween decorations

1. Create colourful wall hangings

Creating colourful, lively hangings that brighten up your walls and windows is a snap. Simply:

  1. Choose a piece of fabric. Either leftover scraps at home or inexpensive "end pieces" from a fabric store will do.
  2. Find some Halloween stencils and fabric paint, often sold at craft and hobby stores.
  3. Decorate the piece of fabric using the stencils and paint. Be as colourful as you want!
  4. Hang your decorations on your walls or windows.

Nothing is easier than making your own Halloween decorations. What's more, it's a great opportunity to spend quality time with your kids doing something they'll love.

2. Make spooky stuffed toys

Keen to create your own original Halloween decorations? Making stuffed toys is a great place to start. With a bit of fabric, some thread and patience, spooky cats, pumpkins, bats and ghosts will come to life before you know it! Here's how:

  1. Find a template you like online and print it out, or draw one of your own design.
  2. Cut out the template carefully.
  3. Trace the outline of the template on two sheets of felt, then cut them out.
  4. Place the two pieces of felt one on top of the other.
  5. Sew or hot-glue the outer edges of the two shapes together, leaving an opening at the top.
  6. Fill with cotton wool or upholstery foam.
  7. Seal the opening.
  8. Afterwards, decorate the toys with buttons, pipe cleaners and scraps of felt.

3. Bring Frankenstein to life

Nothing says "Halloween" more than having your own monster! Here’s how bring your Frankenstein creation to life:

  1. Apply one or two coats of black gouache (a type of water-based paint) to a yogurt container.
  2. Allow it to dry.
  3. Apply two to three coats of green gouache to cover the black gouache.
  4. Again, allow to dry.
  5. Cut some purple or black felt to make a hairpiece you like. For inspiration, look at some pictures of Frankenstein – or you could always let your imagination run wild.
  6. Use a hot-glue gun to glue the hair to the top of the yogurt container.
  7. Cover the container with a water-based sealing glue and let it dry.
  8. Stick moving eyes on with hot glue.
  9. Glue a foam ball on for the nose.
  10. Use a red or black pipe cleaner, about five centimetres long, for the mouth. Shape it any way you want and glue it on.
  11. Glue wine-bottle corks to the base of the container on both sides.
  12. Display your Frankenstein on the edge of a window or on a kitchen worktop.

Halloween decorations needn't be costly or ready-made to be fun and exciting for kids. Sometimes all that's required is a few pieces of fabric, basic craft supplies and your imagination to create a festive and colourful Halloween to remember.

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