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Business listings in Riocan Marketplace Barrhaven delivers full business directory listings for in and near the Riocan Marketplace Barrhaven, Ontario region. With the largest database of businesses anywhere in Canada, Yellow Pages will get you there quicker. If you live around Riocan Marketplace Barrhaven, discover the best user-reviewed businesses in your area, with .

Take the kids to dinner at one or all of these restaurants and feast on all the macaroni and cheese you can handle. These restaurants create mac and cheese dishes so delicious that even adults will enjoy them.
Takeout becomes its own food group most Monday nights – or every night of the week, depending on how often you like to cook (or not cook). Make it your mission to get your serving of Ottawa’s most delicious takeout options.
The vegan wave is turning into a tsunami: new vegan establishments pop up on a regular basis, and inventive chefs make our heads turn with original recipes and inventive taste combinations. The era of making-do with a few blocks of tofu is long past, and Ottawa is right there in the game. Immerse yourself in its enviable vegan scene.
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