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Business listings in Lefroy

YP Canada provides comprehensive business listings for in and near the Lefroy, Ontario region. With the most extensive business database available in Canada, Yellow is your first choice for search. If you live in or near Lefroy, discover the best independently reviewed products and services by your home, with Yellow Pages Canada.

No doubt about it, life in the city can be a little stressful, and seasoned Toronto-ites know well the value of having a few go-to places to really unwind. Whether it’s floating your cares away in solitary splendour or getting a celebrity-style hair treatment, these 10 spots to get pampered and primped will help you shed the hustle and bustle of your week and just relax. [Image credit:]
Dine above the city lights or express your love with paint and canvas. You’ll never run out of ideas on date night in Toronto's west end. Indoor or out, bar or restaurant, upscale or delightfully down-home, you choose the mood and make the moment your own. This side of the city is rich in couples fun and romance. [Image credit:]
Thanks to Mumford & Sons and the resurgence of banjo music, more and more men are sporting a chin blanket these days. Some beards are trimmed and neatly groomed while others are dense enough to camouflage a family of ducks. But even the wildes beard-a-clava requires some care and maintenance, and these Toronto barbershops and beard trimming experts are up to the task. [Image credit:]
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