Why you need more super foods

October 9, 2015

Super foods, such as broccoli, blueberries and salmon, contain natural ingredients with exceptional nutritional values or protective qualities. They contain natural chemicals, compounds and nutrients that, for example, may help to protect against the impact of diseases, such as cancer and type 2 diabetes, as well as fight the effects of aging, help to lower cholesterol levels and improve mental alertness. Read on to learn more about what superfoods can do for you.

Why you need more super foods

5 top reasons to include more super foods in your daily diet

  1. Super foods will help you to meet the seven-a-day fruit and vegetable target that health professionals recommend as a minimum daily amount to protect your body and maintain well-being.
  2. Many super foods, such as lentils and oats, have a low glycemic index (GI) value, which means that their carbohydrates are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. Such foods stave off hunger and keep you feeling full longer, which helps with weight control.
  3. Many super foods, such as whole-wheat pasta and carrots, are a good source of fibre. This helps your digestive system to work effectively, and some forms of fibre can help to lower cholesterol.
  4. All super foods are low in, or free from "bad" fats, such as saturated fats and trans fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
  5. Super foods naturally provide high levels of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs for a healthy nervous system, a fully functioning brain and other key body processes, such as the regulation of blood clotting and the efficient working of your cells and organs.

A note on seasoning


Avoid adding salt to your cooking and when serving — too much can lead to high blood pressure. Choose low-sodium stock or make your own stock. Salt is not added to the cooking water of vegetables, rice and pasta in our recipes. We have not overseasoned the recipes.


Use herbs and spices to boost flavour — many have their own health properties. Fresh is best, but use dried if you prefer or if it's more convenient.


Replace processed sugar with natural sweetness from fresh and dried fruit whenever you can.

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