Why sports massage is a must for active people

December 12, 2014

Whether you’re an athlete or just a very active person, sports massage is a must to help you avoid injury. Here is a guide to help you decide when you might need it.

Why sports massage is a must for active people

The benefits of sports massage

A sports massage is a type of massage that works specific muscles and can be adapted to the sport or sports that you play.

Say goodbye to chronic pain

Love sports but over time you’ve developed chronic pain? A sports massage can treat it effectively.

  • It will eliminate muscle tension and let you rediscover your enthusiasm for physical exercise.

Not injured?

Even though you may not have any injuries at the moment, sports massage can help prevent any from occurring.

  • Remember that reducing muscle stress never hurts. In fact, it is always beneficial.

Are you a competitive athlete?

Athletes who compete appreciate the presence of an on-site therapist so they can benefit from a good massage before, during, and after competing. The goal? To improve performance and recovery.

  • Before a competition

A sports massage given before a workout is great for warming up your body. It’s important to have this massage no earlier than one hour before the competition. But remember, a preparatory massage is never a substitute for a warmup, and it shouldn’t last more than about 20 minutes.

  • During a competition

If necessary, an athlete who is taking part in a competition can have a massage between events. The goal is to regenerate muscle tissue while keeping the body in a state of performance readiness.

  • After a competition

A massage can also be given after a competition to eliminate metabolic waste and promote tissue regeneration. It can be especially helpful if your sport’s repetitive movements are problematic for you. It also helps preserve muscle flexibility. A recovery massage must be done no later than one hour after a competition and shouldn’t last any longer than 20 to 30 minutes.

Put simply, a professional sports massage is a must whenever performance and muscle recovery are important.

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