Which of the different types of snowmobiles is right for you?

December 15, 2014

So you’re interested in snowmobiles. Maybe you want to buy one, or maybe you simply want to learn more about them. Here’s what you need to know.

Which of the different types of snowmobiles is right for you?

Before you buy or rent a snowmobile, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can about them so you can make a more informed decision. There are several different types of snowmobiles, each designed for different purposes.

A brief history of snowmobiles

Snowmobiles were originally created as utility vehicles that were able to get to places in the snow that other motorized vehicles couldn't. They were mainly useful for hunters and people who needed to transport things across frozen bodies of water and over land covered in snow. But more recently, people have adopted the use of snowmobiles for recreational purposes.

The different kinds of snowmobiles

Utility: This machine is intended for work purposes, and generally has a wider track and even more power than other kinds, so it can pull more weight and carry bigger loads.

Touring: This type generally has a longer frame than the others, and is designed to carry a couple of passengers (in addition to the driver). It’s ideal for going in straight lines, but can also obviously turn—although it is recommend to really slow down before turning because it is not as agile as some other snowmobiles.

Sport trail: This one is built for beginner to intermediate riders who want more speed. It handles well and has enough power to get the rush you’re after.

Trail and luxury: This machine is intended for trails, and designed for riders who want a little luxury on the journey. It has enough power to help you get to where you’re going quickly, and can usually fit several passengers too.

Crossover: Interested in taking the road less traveled? This snowmobile is designed to tackle the ups and downs of uneven ground. If you’re not sure what you want from a snow machine, you can’t really go wrong with a crossover.

Mountain: This lightweight, powerful machine will help you climb whatever is ahead. It might not be as comfortable as the other kinds, but if it’s mountains you want to tackle, this is a solid choice.

High performance: An experienced rider will want a machine that performs at a high calibre. These snowmobiles come complete with heavy duty suspension and the ability to turn on a dime.

Now that you know about the different types of snowmobiles, you can better decide which one is best for your purposes.

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