Solve common dental problems with home remedies

October 22, 2014

Dental problems are a major pain, but often they are easily treated at home with a few simple remedies straight from your fridge and pantry.

Solve common dental problems with home remedies

1. Gum disease

One of the most common dental problems is gum disease, or gingivitis. The easiest way to treat gingivitis is a good dental routine.

  • Brush morning and night, floss once a day and use a mouthwash at least once a day.
  • Keep up your intake of vitamins C and D to help fight off infections.
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of three teaspoons of salt in warm water, multiple times a day.
  • To help relieve infection, steep tea bags in boiling water, allow them to cool a little, then apply them to your gums.
  • Another option is to make a paste of fresh lemon juice and salt, apply it to your gums, then rinse it off after a few minutes.

2. Toothache

If your gum disease has progressed into a toothache, you can attack the infection as described above. To relieve the pain, apply an ice cube directly to the site of the pain or an ice pack to the jaw.

  • You can also use acupressure for pain. Rub the fleshy skin between your thumb and finger of the hand on the same side of the body as your toothache with an ice cube.
  • Biting down on a cotton ball soaked in clove oil is also a great pain reliever.

3. Bad breath

Bad breath is caused by bacterial growth in the mouth and upper gastrointestinal tract. A good dental routine is vital, as well as a diet low in sugar, wheat, dairy and processed foods.

  • Increase your intake of alkalizing foods (vegetables) to inhibit the bacterial growth that causes bad breath, and include a little liquid chlorophyll, or plants high in chlorophyll such as parsley, spinach or garden greens, to strengthen the effect.
  • Taking a probiotic twice a day on an empty stomach can also help immensely by promoting gut health.

4. Receding gums

Receding gums are often caused by either periodontal disease or deficiencies in crucial minerals, specifically magnesium, potassium and vitamin C.

  • A great treatment for receding gums is oil pulling: Take a tablespoon of a raw vegetable or nut oil such as almond oil in the mouth and swish it around for 10-20 minutes, twice a day, then spit it out. The oil absorbs toxins and bacteria from the mouth so be sure not to swallow.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, supplement with regular vinegar mixed with apple cider vinegar (a good source of potassium) and take a magnesium supplement in the recommended dose.

5. Tooth sensitivity

Caused by the wearing away of enamel, tooth sensitivity can be treated by brushing with a soft brush, warm water and baking soda.

  • You can also rinse with a solution of baking soda in warm water.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum also helps harden tooth enamel by increasing saliva production.

If a toothache or other dental problem keeps you up at night, consider trying one of these home remedies to relieve your pain.

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