Fill up on the top 5 most satiating foods

November 26, 2014

Whether you're seeking to lose weight or simply want to avoid weight gain, satiating foods are beneficial and packed with essential nutrients.

Fill up on the top 5 most satiating foods

Eating satiating foods on a regular basis helps you feel full even when consuming fewer calories, and this strategy aids in healthy weight management. Whether you're seeking to lose weight or simply want to avoid weight gain, satiating foods are beneficial and packed with essential nutrients.

1. Legumes

Because legumes are rich in protein and fibre, it's no surprise they're grouped into the category of satiating foods. Examples of protein- and fibre-rich legumes that aid in healthy weight management include green peas, lentils, black beans, chick peas, soy beans, pinto beans, navy beans and lima beans. Legumes are also rich in soluble fibre, which can help reduce high blood cholesterol.

2. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are also rich in satiating protein and fibre, and they're loaded with heart-healthy fats as well. This combination of nutrients helps you feel full for longer periods of time. Though nuts and seeds are high in calories, eating them may increase your metabolism and enhance weight loss without posing a risk for weight gain, according to a 2008 review published in The Journal of Nutrition. Choose almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or walnuts for a healthy and decadent snack.

3. Dairy products

High in protein and calcium, dairy foods boost satiety and may help reduce excess body fat. A 2013 review published in the journal Nutrients found that regular dairy food consumption is associated with a lower body mass index and waist circumference. Choose two to three servings of low-fat milk, cottage cheese, reduced-fat cheese, or plain Greek yogurt daily to maintain a healthy body weight.

4. Egg whites

Because egg whites are rich in protein but low in calories, eating egg whites is an excellent way to keep you feeling full without the risk of gaining weight. Unlike egg yolks, egg whites are free from dietary cholesterol, which is beneficial for lowering your risk of heart disease. Three large egg whites contain just 51 calories and 11 grams of high-quality protein.

5. Quinoa

Quinoa is a whole grain that's especially rich in protein, providing about eight grams per cup. A meal containing quinoa will keep you feeling full and energized. Furthermore, quinoa is one of the few plant-based protein foods that contain all essential amino acids your body needs on a daily basis. Try cooked quinoa topped with blueberries and sliced almonds for breakfast, or mix it into a vegetable salad as a satiating topper.

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