Practical ways to help stimulate your teen's brain

November 3, 2015

Other than the first two months of a person's life, more change occurs in an individual's brain during their teen years than at any other time. Unfortunately, depression, addiction, and risky behaviours hinder this process in some teens. Here are some practical ways to stimulate teenagers' brains while avoiding depression and fostering creativity, innovation and problem-solving.

Practical ways to help stimulate your teen's brain

Help to interpret the world

If there's one thing that has an annoying way of sticking around in life, it's the behaviour of seeing the world in only black and white. Helping a teen get past this, though, will help them foster creativity.

To help broaden your teen's perspectives, discuss different interpretations of their favourite books, movies, artwork or even real-life experiences at school.

While talking with them about these things, show them that there's more to the world than just what's on the surface, and their brain will unlock places many adults can only dream of.

Provide the medium for self-expression

Self-expression is vital on so many different levels.

Fostering a teen's ability to express themselves, whether this is through interpretive dance, music, writing, sewing, painting or even doodling, is immensely important. Helping them find their creative outlet obviously allows them a way to explore their creativity, but it also can reduce feelings of depression.

Depression is a serious problem for countless teens, and giving a teen a simple outlet that puts a smile on their face could mean the world to them.

Focus on constant exposure

Opening a teen's mind is difficult enough even when they're exposed to new experiences, so imagine how difficult it will be when the teen is confined to just what they know. As such, constantly allow teens to have new experiences.

This doesn't mean sending them out to raves or wild parties, of course, but taking them to museums, art exhibitions, theatre performances or something that they're interested in learning more about ― any of these experiences can really be enlightening.

Basically, you want to allow your teen to experience more than what's inside their home and school.

Give teens a say in the world

Teenagers will hardly be motivated or grow if they feel as if they have no control over their environment. This makes it necessary to allow them a say in decisions that are made.

A great way t do this is to discuss expectations from both sides and even which chores they'd prefer to do around the home. Doing so can go a long way in letting teens feel like the world around them isn't controlling them.

We all have to fail from time to time

No one wants to witness their teen failing, but without failure, there is no growth. After all, a problem isn't real unless its consequences are experienced.

Besides, what could a teen learn if they believe their parent will constantly rescue them from their failures?

Instead of lecturing a teen after they fail, it's important to ask questions and discuss the situation. These real-life experiences are what foster growth in individuals.

Keep communication open

To help your teen through their tumultuous teenage years, keep these tips in mind. But, most of all be sure to keep the lines of communication between your and your teenager as open as possible so that you can easily put this advice into practice.

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