Learn all about asthma and how to treat it

October 9, 2015

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is a leading cause of childhood deaths, especially among city dwellers. And it's only getting more common. We'll go over the basics of asthma and some common treatments.

Learn all about asthma and how to treat it

What is asthma?

  • Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, chest tightness, and laboured breathing, which occur when the tiny muscles that control the airways to the lungs constrict, causing a bronchospasm
  • Normally, airways are supposed to narrow somewhat when exposed to smoke, pollutants, very cold air, or substances that are harmful if inhaled. In asthmatic people though, the response is exaggerated and often triggered by otherwise harmless substances or activities, such as pollen or exercise.
  • The reason some people have hyperreactive airways is unknown, but heredity is suspected of playing a role, because the disease runs in families.
  • Many asthmatics also suffer from hay fever and other allergies.
  • Although stress and emotional upsets can trigger or worsen an attack, experts emphasize that asthma is a lung disease, not a psychological disorder. As such, it should be treated as a serious and even debilitating physical condition.
  • The rising incidence of asthma has puzzled doctors, but many attribute it to a combination of factors, including increased exposure to environmental pollutants and the high cost and improper use of asthma medication.

Understand the treatments

  • Some asthma attacks are quickly reversed by taking a bronchodilator medication, which eases symptoms by opening the constricted airways.
  • Other episodes are more prolonged, and as the airways become more inflamed and clogged with mucus, breathing becomes increasingly difficult. In such cases, an injection of epinephrine (adrenalin) and a corticosteroid drug may be needed to stop the attack.
  • Although asthma is a chronic disease, the changes that occur during an attack are temporary and the lungs generally function normally at other times.
  • Asthma typically appears during childhood, and the frequency and severity of attacks tends to lessen as the youngster grows, and may disappear entirely by adulthood. However, some adults suffer a recurrence, often as an aftermath of a viral infection. In such cases, the asthma may be even more severe than it was in childhood.

Asthma is serious and definitely worth worrying about. If you suspect that you have asthma, you should see your doctor right away so that they can offer you the appropriate care and medication. Breathe easy: there are lots of treatment options available and it's very likely that one will work for you.

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