How you and your wallet can love your hobbies

July 28, 2015

Even if you're collecting or need special materials, you can indulge your chosen pastimes without paying too much. Here's how:

How you and your wallet can love your hobbies

Antiques and collectibles

  • When starting up a collection, don't head for big auctions. Instead, browse the classified ads in your local paper, or visit garage sales and house contents auctions.
  • Collectors generally love to talk about their finds. Connect with any number of groups online that specialize in collecting everything from World Fair mementos to thimbles.

Stamp-collecting bargains

  • Besides asking friends and relatives for used stamps, particularly those with contacts abroad, ask anyone who sorts the mail in an office — large, international companies are ideal.
  • There are groups that can help you collect stamps economically, and many offer youth and beginners sections with a free stamp offer and information to help you identify bogus stamps.

Sewing and knitting

  • Search in second-hand clothing stores for unusual textiles for cushions and throws. Flea markets and discount fabric outlets are another inexpensive source.
  • Keep a note of how much fabric you need for your favourite patterns so you can buy the right amount.
  • Look in second-hand stores and garage sales for stitching books and dress patterns.
  • Many embroidery and knitting patterns, for items such as cable-knit sweaters, don't go out of style, so search online for vintage patterns.
  • Visit needlecraft shows, advertised in stitching and craft magazines, where you find many suppliers with special promotions.
  • Most quilters are "fabraholics," unable to resist a new fabric treat for some future project. They also have lots of scrap fabric from past projects. Join a local quilting club and someone may have that perfect fabric for you.

Read more for less

  • For a wide range of books try second-hand bookstores. Many have their own websites and online catalogues.
  • For new books and second-hand titles, search the big online suppliers. You may reap savings of more than 50%.
  • If you're a regular reader, it may be worth joining a book club. Check online for a variety of book clubs offering everything from audio books to mysteries.
  • Form a reading group, or join an existing one, and assemble a private library. All members have access to a wider range of reading material than their own individual collections.

Hobbies needn't cost a fortune, especially with the many resources we have at our fingertips. By connecting with people who love what you love, you could find ways to enjoy your pastime without spending a lot of money.

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