How to take Instagram-worthy food photos

October 24, 2016

In today’s world of unabashed foodies, getting in on the food photography game can seem a little daunting. But there’s a reason why #food is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram – our culture loves food and, unsurprisingly, we love to see what people are eating. Whether you’re grabbing burgers and fries or enjoying an exquisite meal at an award-winning restaurant, here are seven tips for creating mouth-watering pictures of your meals.

[Image credit:]

How to take Instagram-worthy food photos

1. Good lighting is key, natural light is best!

The best food photography is shot in natural light so, if you want to capture your dish on camera, make sure you sit near a well-lit window. If you’re surrounded by fluorescent lighting, feel free to move your plate closer to natural light.

Typically, food photographers avoid shooting photos at night or in dimly lit restaurants as the photos will likely lack clarity and be very grainy. You can purchase small portable lights that clip onto your smartphone for added brightness – a worthy investment for getting great-looking pictures.

2. Overhead shots look best

If you flip through Instagram, you’ll notice that many food photographers tend to shoot from above. A bird’s eye view of your plate can fill your photo with interesting shapes and colours. You’ll get the entire dish in your shot, which leaves you with more content to edit and use in various ways. If you’ve seen people standing on chairs in restaurants, it’s likely because this is what they were trying to achieve.

3. The more colour the better

A plate of beige food will never be appealing on camera, even if it is incredibly delicious. Stick to shooting food that is bright and colourful. Envision the vivid contrast of carrots and beets on a bright, white plate or the saturated colours of a fruity cocktail popping off the screen.

4. Focus on the food

You will see many professional food photographers using backgrounds such as marble, unfinished wood and even concrete as the backdrop for their photos. Choose a neutral background that doesn’t compete with your dish.

As the Insta-craze continues, many restaurant designers are taking this into account and have created pleasing vignettes throughout cafés and restaurants that are perfect for food photography.

5. Tell a story

Considering using props in your photos to flesh out the story of the meal. Whether that means patterned napkins, ornate silverware or simply your sunglasses, you can put props to good use.

Adding a human element to your photograph immediately creates interest. To achieve natural-looking photos, ask your dinner date to reach for a slice of pizza or a pint of beer, and capture them in the act.

6. Use a great photo-editing app

Using a smartphone to shoot your food photography? Take advantage of the fantastic photo-editing apps available to you. Color Story and VSCO are both excellent apps that allow you to do a lot with just a little – think of them as Photoshop in your pocket. Pull out richer colours, define shadows and highlights, and find ways to make your personal photography style unique.

7. Don’t overthink it

Food photography should be fun so make sure you actually take the time to eat your meal before it gets cold. Try different things, play with apps and discover what your own personal style is. The bottom line is to share your love of food with the world through your photography.

Bon appétit!

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