4 must-visit stores for DIY Halloween costumes

September 14, 2015

While costume stores are charging marked-up prices for cheap, one-time wear outfits, there's another, more creative way to get yourself ready for Halloween. Here are the stores to visit to make your own costume.

4 must-visit stores for DIY Halloween costumes

1. Vintage clothing store

You have undoubtedly been to a vintage clothing store and seen items on racks that you could never imagine anyone wears.

  • These items are perfect for constructing your own Halloween costume.
  • Go in with a few options in mind for outfits to avoid disappointment if you can't find the right items for your first choice costume.

2. A make-up and accessory store

A make-up and accessory store is critical for homemade Halloween costume success because you will find several options for your costume at inexpensive prices.

3. An arts and crafts store

For crafty costume makers who know how to use a sewing machine, cut fabric in straight lines and make miracles with glue or glitter, head to the nearest arts and craft store to you.

  • You should be able to find everything necessary for a quality homemade costume, assuming you have a plan in mind already.
  • If you don't, the costume may look a little ridiculous; of course, that could be exactly the look you want to create for a spooky evening out.

4. A sporting goods store

Sporting goods stores are surprisingly helpful for accessorizing certain costumes.

  • Say you need a glowing hula hoop or a hat with no logos on it to pretend you're a pop star,  a sporting goods store will be just the place get these fantastic items and won't be crowded with other Halloween shoppers.

While making your own costume means you may have to sacrifice some time and specificity as to whom you are dressing up as, you'll actually save money and end up with a great costume this Halloween.

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