3 ideas to get your kids stoked for the new school year

May 20, 2015

Back-to-school time can be a downer for children, especially after a care-free summer spent outdoors for hours on end. The good news? Returning to school needn't be torture for you or your kids. Here's are three ideas for getting them excited about the new school year ahead.

3 ideas to get your kids stoked for the new school year

[Image credit: iStock.com/GeorgeRudy]

1. Make school shopping into a game

Almost no child looks forward to back-to-school shopping, but if you make it a little more fun they may actually begin to enjoy this yearly shopping ritual. How? Make shopping into a game by transforming it into a scavenger hunt.

  • Give your child a list of things to check off as you shop together.
  • Include easy-to-spot items such as school supply displays and certain colours of clothing. Don't hesitate to include more challenging items like an image of a bird, a cashier's line with more than six customers waiting, or even a display that only has blue pens in it.

The goal? The first person to finish their list wins the game and everyone gets to go out for a treat as a reward for playing.

  • Let the winner choose the treat!

2. Create colourful teacher gifts

Most children love creating crafts and the only limit is their imaginations. Teachers, too, love receiving small handmade gifts.

  • A fun way to prepare for a new year is to have your child make a back-to-school gift for teacher. Something as simple as a colourful pencil holder made from an empty tin can, decorated with macaroni and brightly painted, is sure to delight! It also makes it easier for your child to bond with his or her new teacher.
  • Also welcome as gifts are school supplies for the class, gift cards to a local coffee place or a mug with a quote about teachers.

A candy assortment or a traditional apple will also make any teacher happy and your children will have something to look forward to giving the teacher on the first day of school!

3. Throw a back-to-school party

To make back-to-school more fun why not turn it into an annual party? For younger children, a school-supply themed party can be a blast! It's also a great way to associate the end of summer with positive memories.

  • Decorate your home or backyard with red, black, white, yellow and blue items. For extra flourish, use real school supplies like pencils and markers for fun decorations.
  • As party favours, give guests to the party supplies from the school's list.

For older children, allow them to invite a few classmates for a sleepover a few days before school begins in celebration of the school year starting.

  • Watch school-themed movies and order pizza and your kids are sure to ask to have this kind of party every year!

It doesn't take much to make back-to-school season fun for kids: a little extra effort on your part to give the whole experience a positive spin  can go a long way toward improving your children's attitude about the start of a new school year.

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