Food that fights high cholesterol

October 9, 2015

A diet high in cholesterol and particularly saturated fat and trans fatty acids is associated with high cholesterol levels. Those are foods to avoid but here are some foods that can actually lower bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol in your body.

Food that fights high cholesterol

Focus on fruits and vegetables

Eating plant-based meals is an excellent strategy for reducing cholesterol, as animal products and processed foods contain cholesterol-raising saturated fat, trans fatty acids and dietary cholesterol. Substitute heart-healthy monounsaturated for cholesterol-raising fat (saturated and trans fat) as often as possible.

Nuts are your friend

Long maligned as a fatty food, nuts are rich in unsaturated fat that benefits the heart, according to numerous studies. One large-scale study found that women who ate 140 grams (five ounces) of nuts per week reduced their risk for heart disease by one-third. In another study, people who consumed eight to 11 walnuts each day in place of other fats significantly cut their LDL ("bad") cholesterol.

Find foods with soluble fibre

Foods high in soluble fibre are useful for lowering LDL cholesterol. Studies show that soluble fibre in oats, carrots and psyllium (available in health food stores) is particularly beneficial. Research has found that three grams of beta-glucan (a soluble fibre in oats) can lower cholesterol by five percent when consumed regularly.

Get the feeling for the flavour for the flavonoids

Foods high in flavonoids, including lycopene, may help moderate cho­­lesterol levels, according to research. Some evidence suggests that drinking orange juice, which is brimming with flavonoids, can improve cholesterol levels.

Garlic isn't just for warding off vampires

Scientists believe that sulfur compounds in garlic and onions may have cholesterol-lowering properties. An analysis of clinical studies found that regularly eating one garlic clove may reduce cholesterol by almost 10 percent.

Shiitake mushrooms are proven winners

Shiitakes are rich in several heart-healthy phytochemicals, including eritadenine. A small study of healthy women found that those participants who ate about 85 grams (1/3 cup) of fresh shiitake mushrooms daily for a week experienced a nine percent to 12 percent reduction in cholesterol.

Oh soy, oh soy, oh soy!

Evidence is accumulating that plant protein, such as soy protein, may help reduce cholesterol. One health claim for soy foods states that daily consumption of as little as 25 grams of soy protein per day (two tablespoons soy nuts or two cups soy milk) can help lower cholesterol in people with high cholesterol levels. Phyto­estrogens in soy (iso­flavones) are thought to enhance the cholesterol-lowering effect of soy protein.

Recent research

Soluble calcium pectate fibre in carrots helps lower cholesterol, as evidenced by a study that showed a significant drop in blood cholesterol among individuals who ate 250 grams (one cup) of carrots per day. On average, participants experienced an 11 percent decrease in their blood cholesterol after only three weeks.

Just the flax, ma'am

Flaxseed — rich in vegetable protein, lignans (phyto­estrogens), heart-healthy fat and soluble fibre — has dem­on­strated impressive cholesterol-lowering effects in clinical research.

There are lots of foods to help get that cholesterol down. So next time avoid the deep fried stuff and grab an apple, tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, carrots, flaxseed, or a soy bean.

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