Flu symptoms and how to help heal yourself

February 25, 2016

The signs don’t lie: you wake up with a runny nose, an irritated throat, and a desire to never leave your bed. It’s official: you have a cold or the flu. So it comes as no surprise that the average adult catches two to four of them a year. How can you halt them? Maybe even stop them from happening at all?

Flu symptoms and how to help heal yourself

Different strains

It's nearly impossible to avoid catching a cold or the flu. Why? Because this type of virus comes in many strains; this explains why your winter flu symptoms are different from that of spring. But by taking care of your immune system, it is possible to prevent the illness.

  • A cold is accompanied by sneezing, sore throat, and those notorious runny noses.
  • If you have fever or muscle pain, it is likely a flu.

To heal naturally or not?

Plenty of rest, a balanced diet, and a stress-free lifestyle will help fight or delay the onset of flu symptoms. But that's often easier said than done.

  • Before you turn to medication from a pharmacy, try turning to more natural solutions.
  • Assume that syrups and pills will only lessen your flu symptoms.

There are, in fact, remedies that don't require a visit to your local pharmacy.

  • Honey, for example, heals that irritated throat, and it's many vitamins and minerals (B6, niacin, riboflavin and amino acids) will help you feel better. And don't forget: the darker the honey, the better!
  • Your throat will also feel better after a good ginger tea with lemon, honey and garlic. You could also mix some turmeric or salt into a cup of hot water.
  • Need to relieve yourself of congestion? Turn to chicken broth or a mix of fresh thyme and eucalyptus essential oil in boiling water.
  • And don't forget: it's imperative to drink a lot of liquid. That means around eight glasses (water, juice without added sugar, tea and tisane) every day — and even more if you have a fever.

If you do opt for products sold at the pharmacy, don't hesitate to consult health professionals who are there to help you select the best choice for you among all the options available. See a doctor if your fever lasts for more than 48 hours, or if you're having breathing problems, chest pains, confusion, or difficulty urinating.

And don't forget to notify your work...

Should you go to work? If you have to ask the question, the answer is likely "no". Don't overthink it; think of your colleagues who definitely don't want to find themselves battling your same symptoms a few days later.

  • Don't hesitate to keep your virus to yourself. Think about it: you'll get to spend the day watching movies and blowing your nose. Not so bad, right?

The same logic applies to the gym. In the event of a cold, it's possible to train without worsening your symptoms, but you have to avoid infecting others. If you're suffering from a flu, which often comes with muscle pain and intense fatigue, training is highly discouraged. Take your sweet time to feel better so you're more prepared to face your busy life!

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