Find an administrative assistant job that meets your needs

July 21, 2014

An administrative assistant is a versatile position, but it can also be quite specialized. Know how to find the job that suits you.

Find an administrative assistant job that meets your needs

Where to find serious job offers?

Job sites: Stick with established and trusted resources and beware of questionable websites.

Social media: You’ll find many employers are now posting job opportunities this way. Don’t forget to use your contacts!

Recruitment agencies: There are many recruitment agencies throughout Canada. These serve as an intermediary between you and your prospective employer. The agency will meet with you first and keep your resume on hand. Based on your expectations and those of the employer, they’ll seek out openings that are suitable for you.

Administrative assistant duties

Basic responsibilities: Tasks including answering phone calls, welcoming clients, calendar scheduling, filing, letter writing, email management and requires a functional knowledge of word processing software. The job is somewhat standard.

You prepare and attend meetings and record minutes. Usually, you have one boss, but you may be asked to support and assist others in their work, and you must meet deadlines.

Managerial responsibilities: It may be that you are required to meet the needs of more than one person, sometimes a team. Schedules are often tight, so you’ll be required to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously. You’ll need skills to effectively handle stress, and overtime can be expected.

Responsibility of senior management: You are the right-hand to one or more senior managers. Organizing committees, meetings, trips and events are part of your daily routine, as well as overseeing important files. Your job may require that you travel. Professionalism and discretion are essential. Overtime may be common.

What kind of salary should I expect?

Salaries vary depending on location (city or region), the size of the business and nature of its activity, duties and responsibilities, language requirements and the level of experience required.

For example, in Montreal, an administrative assistant can earn an annual salary of $28,000 to $46,000 with less than three years experience; $33,000 to $56,000 with between three and seven years experience; beyond this, minimum average salaries begin at $44,000 and reach as high as $72,000.

Jobs to avoid

• Descriptions that are too general and whose duties are unclear, which often means that you’ll be expected to do everything.

• A job offer that demands excellence, but offers below standard wages.

Now that you have all the tools at your disposal to finding a suitable administrative assistant position, you should be well on your way to determining an organizing whose requirements fit your skills.

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