Discover ways to control impotence through diet

October 9, 2015

Although psychological factors certainly affect male sexual function, most cases of impotence are due to an underlying disease or lifestyle issue. We'll go over what you should avoid and what you should seek out to help prevent impotence.

Discover ways to control impotence through diet

Understand these impotence basics

  • Diabetes, atherosclerosis, paralysis, and hormonal imbalances are among the organic causes of impotence.
  • The use of drugs — including alcohol, nicotine, prescription medication, and illegal substances — can lead to impotence as well.
  • Nicotine impedes blood flow by constricting the small arteries, including those that bring blood to the penis.
  • Medications that commonly cause impotence include antihy­pertensives, acid-suppressants for ulcers, anti­depressants, and sleeping pills. In most cases, an alternative drug can be prescribed.
  • While diet doesn't have much of an effect on impotence, medications can help. The most popular drug is sildenafil citrate, which boosts the activity of an enzyme that plays a key role in having an erection.

Consider the dietary factors

  • Zinc is absolutely key and is thought to be essential for good reproductive health. While zinc intake may not have a direct effect on potency, it may be important for male sexual health, since very high levels are found in seminal fluid.
  • Good sources of zinc include seafood (especially oysters), meat, poultry, eggs, milk, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Zinc supplements are not recommended though, as high doses can interfere with the absorption of calcium and copper.
  •  It's important to maintain a normal weight, as obesity predisposes a ­person to diabetes, which is one of the leading causes of impotence. Studies have shown that obesity puts men at greater risk for erectile dysfunction.
  • A diet low in saturated fats helps prevent atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty plaque that clogs both the large vessels around the heart and the penile artery.

Reconsider alcohol

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. A high blood level of alcohol interrupts the relay of messages along the nervous system. Heavy alcohol consumption over an extended period modifies the normal pattern of hormone production, which may affect sexual function.

The practices outlined in this guide aren't just useful for fighting impotence: they're also good tips for living a more healthy lifestyle in general. So put down that nicotine, drink a bit less beer, and get more zinc into your diet! It could make the difference in your romantic life.

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