A topping of crumbled, crisp bacon and beautifully browned sautéed onions brings out the personality in these mashed potatoes. This is a side dish that could steal the show.
Not unlike polenta in texture and flavour, grits are coarsely ground kernels of dried corn. Here, they're cooked in a simple brunch casserole with cheddar cheese. This is a staple in the southern US add the cheese and you have a serious side dish.
These rice recipes act as delicious sides to any dinner, without overdoing any unhealthy ingredients. As a carbohydrate, rice is good source of energy as well as being cholesterol free and low in sodium so excellent for blood pressure management.
If you're looking to boost your broccoli intake, these two recipes are easy and delicious ways to do just that.
Make this spicy Creole dish a full meal by serving it on top of warm rice.
Next time you're hankering for a burger, try this turkey burger. A little low-fat mayonnaise helps keep the patties moist, while mustard and honey perk up the flavour. When shopping for ground turkey, check labels. Regular ground turkey, made from br
Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish, usually made with potatoes and cabbage, and so named because it makes bubbling and squeaking noises during cooking. Here, creamy sweet potatoes and juicy ham increase both the nutrient and flavour quot
Crunchy, lightly cooked white cabbage is perfectly complemented by juicy fruit, walnuts and herbs in this well-balanced salad. It is a good example of how a combination of familiar ingredients can be elevated to a sophisticated side dish.
Tabbouleh is an incredibly healthy and tasty dish to eat, especially when you add in the tanginess of goat cheese. When you're trying to tackle high blood pressure, there are few better or tastier ways of doing so.
Wild rice is tastier and healthier than white rice, and adding walnuts gives this recipe an extra health boost. Tackle high blood pressure in a delicious and easy way.
High blood pressure has many causes, but eating healthy can be one way to try and tackle it. Test out this delicious recipe of braised cabbage, apple and caraway for a delicious way of getting your heart into healthier shape.
Each type of mushroom offers its own blend of nutrients, with shiitake mushrooms among the healthiest you can eat. Cremini and portobello mushrooms are also healthy picks, with all three rich in healing phytochemicals for battling high blood pressure
Couscous is an incredibly healthy food with tons of nutrients that make it delicious to try and battle high blood pressure. This recipe is high in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, folate and other minerals.
Battling high blood pressure can take many forms. This mouth-watering recipe for orange-glazed carrots is a great idea for both your heart and taste buds.
Bright green spinach and golden apricots add rich colour and flavour to this easy grain-and-vegetable dish. Serve it with stews and casseroles that have plenty of sauce.
This meal's satisfying, spicy aromas and traditional Indian flavour make it enjoyable any time of the year. The rice, with its slightly chewy texture and Indian spicing, provides the perfect backdrop for the turkey, vegetables, grapes and nuts. Here
Garlic, ginger…and apples? You bet! Slices of firm apple, briefly stir-fried, have the same satisfying crunch as water chestnuts, making them an excellent partner to crisp, fresh snow peas. Here's how to put them all together in with one heart health
The complex flavour of balsamic vinegar is the result of its being aged in a succession of barrels, each made from a different kind of wood. This fruity vinegar is the perfect complement to a hearty cheese, like Parmesan, and firm, deep-red tomatoes.
These delicious Greek side dishes feature the bright flavours of lemon, oregano and feta cheese. Look for traditional sheep's milk feta for the best flavour.
Liven up your meals with these crowd-pleasing Spanish and Thai rice recipes. Add spicy aroma and delicious flavour to any dish—and say goodbye to boring dinners today!
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