After a long winter, it's always tempting to cast aside your coat and bask in the sun. Although sunlight may soothe the soul, its ultraviolet rays (UV) can damage your skin and put you at risk for developing skin cancer. Here's some advice to help pr
A big part of staying healthy is keeping the low density lipoproteins LDLs (or bad kind of fats) in your bloodstream under control. Here are nine easy ways to get back on track.
Ever find yourself sighing and yawning when you're under stress? That's your body's way of getting you to breathe more deeply. Why not kick off your stress-reduction program by building on that instinct. Here are three tips to get you started.
Once you're hooked, cutting down or quitting smoking can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. This includes things such as irritability, depression, anger, restlessness, headaches, fatigue, increased appetite, trouble concentrating and sleep disturb
Stress can affect your health in more ways than one: it can lead to weight gain, insomnia and other more severe conditions such as heart disease. Here are 4 simple ways to help beat stress for a healthier life.
Are you feeling exhausted by mid-afternoon? Do you have all the energy of a hibernating bear in winter months? Do you find it more and more difficult to get up and go? The following 5 tips will help you bring some energy back into your life.
If you have diabetes, a healthy diet is crucial for keeping it under control. Here are seven tips to help you maintain a healthy diet, starting at the grocery store!
Although it's common to experience periods of stress at work, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and success. It can also affect your physical and emotional health. Because you can't always control your workplace environment, here
Getting a good night's sleep seems to be one of the hardest things to accomplish for many people. Follow these seven guidelines to help you ease into dreamland.
There are many different factors at play when it comes to heart disease. Thankfully, there are almost as many ways to help keep your heart healthy. Here are five tips for a healthier you.
Planning on shedding those extra pounds? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to creating a healthy diet and weight loss plan.
Pain can put an end to even the best of days. Often, the simplest remedies available to you are the best. Here's a look at how to quickly and effectively deal with bursitis and gout:
If you're worried about your gout diagnosis, or feel the following symptoms may apply to you, have no fear: this handy guide should help.
In Victorian times, gout afflicted only wealthy types who feasted heartily and drank heavily. Today it's an egalitarian epidemic, visiting excruciating joint pain on a growing number of men and women, thanks to the world's obesity epidemic — and to t
Meals were traditionally times for socializing, exchanging and giving thanks. Eating nd drinking are times to enjoy life. These steps will help you make food a time for joy and celebration.
Taste and smell help make food and certain scents very enjoyable. But they work more as safety mechanisms than you might think. Here are tips if you have decreased sense of taste or smell.
Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canada. We'll answer some of the most common questions people have about this disease and its screening procedures.
Everyone overindulges while dining out. But with diabetes, sticking to a healthy diet is key to managing the disease. Here are some simple tips that could help you curb your appetite and control your diabetes.
In order to stay strong, bones need not only calcium, but also other minerals, vitamins and proteins, all of which can be provided by a balanced diet.
You woke up feeling ill, but you’re worried about taking a day to stay home. You’re not sure if you should call in sick to work. The answer is you should take the day off.
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