There's no cure for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but there are ways to prevent it. Here's just a few strategies you can use to cut your chances of developing AMD.
Experiencing blurred vision with a migraine can be frightening, but visual changes are usually harmless and can be symptoms of a specific type of migraine.
With little time or effort, you can protect your vision naturally with simple eye health exercises.
Contact lens allergy symptoms typically occur when your contact lenses irritate the outer surface of your eye. Here's what to do if you think you're suffering from an allergy.
Eyelid blepharitis causes the edges of your eyelids to become red, sore and swollen. Here are some possible causes of blepharitis and how to treat it.
Our eyes can be sore for a number of reasons. We may be plagued by allergies such as hay fever, dust or pets. Here are some tips on how to treat sore eyes.
Vision fuzzy? Feel like your glasses always need cleaning? If you're over 40, you may be among the 1.2 million Canadians with cataracts. And now, thanks to new surgical procedures, it’s likely your eyesight could be as good as new.
You don’t even know how it happened, but your contact lens broke in your eye. Should you see an eye doctor? Can you just remove it and put in a new one?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among Canadians over the age of 50. Although the disease is not yet curable, there are promising new therapies in the research pipeline that may be available soon.
If you take your vision for granted, you could be doing yourself a disservice. See what you could be doing to improve your eyesight.
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly, affecting one out of three people over the age of 75. The disease impairs the macula, the central part of the retina that is important for clear, sharp vision.
You can help safeguard your vision by understanding the common eye diseases and their symptoms.
Eye strain often occurs after prolonged periods on your computer. The following article discusses why this strain occurs and what steps you can take to prevent tired eyes at the computer.
A stye is a painful lump that appears on the inside or outside of your eyelid. It usually resolves itself without any specific medical treatment, but if you suffer more discomfort than you can handle, you can turn to self-care stye treatment.
From infections to injuries, most common sources of eye pain and itching can be resolved quickly and safely. Here's your best options.
Exciting new research proves that catching vision problems early — sometimes before they've done even a tiny bit of damage — and treating them with newer, more-effective drugs and procedures could save the sight of millions of older women and men. Re
Under-eye bags can make you feel self-conscious about the way you look, but a few simple homemade remedies can improve your appearance.
Modern contact lenses rarely break, but when they do it can be a hassle. Here's how to get it out without stress or anxiety.
Eyes age as the rest of the body does, and tips for eye health in adults over 60 include regular eye examinations, a healthy lifestyle, and eye protection.
A variety of conditions can cause eye pain, but if you catch it early, the discomfort can often be treated before it worsens. Here's what to look for.
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