Botanically speaking, mugo pine is a tree, but it is very successful when grown as a shrub. Its extreme hardiness exceeds that of even juniper, so it is among the few evergreens that will grow for gardeners in the coldest of climates. And, because of
Morning glory has been a favourite in summer gardens since the 1930s when the sky blue, trumpet-shaped flowers came hit the market. This early-flowering beauty opened the way for hybrids with eight-centimetre-wide (3.25-inch-wide) blossoms in a rainb
Some areas scream for that pop of colour and plenty of it; that's when butter daisies will serve you well. Exceptionally easy to grow, with phenomenally prolific blossom output, butter daisies always seem to be dappled with 2.5-centimetre-wide (inch-
If you think of onions as bulbs that make you weep, think again. Ornamental onions have but a faint onion scent and only when the leaves get crushed. What they offer instead are beautiful flowers in shades of purple, lavender, mauve, and white.
The sweet smelling flowering tobacco can be grown from seed and produce a wonderful colour during the summer. Here are the basic facts and hints to grow a better flowering tobacco.
Portulaca is a flowering annual that thrives where others shrivel, perking up seemingly hopeless sites with a summer-long supply of delicate double blossoms atop fresh, succulent foliage. We'll provide all the instruction you'll need to grow your own
Irises are care-free survivors par excellence that come in a wide variety of colours. These are some expert tips on growing irises, and helping them look their best.
If you enjoy teaming up different annual combinations in containers, lobelia will quickly become a favourite. Here's some tips on growing lobelia in your garden so it looks its best.
Impatiens seem to glow in low-light situations, brightening such spaces with panache and profuse flowers. The vibrant flower, also known as busy Lizzie, sultana or patience plant, doesn't require a lot of patience to grow. Here is how to handle the c
Anise hyssop is a trouble-free addition to an informal garden. Here is the vital information on this stalwart, pretty, purple-flowered plant.
These unusual members of the cabbage clan have shed their identities as vegetables and moved into flower beds, pots, and window boxes where they are appreciated for their frilly-edged, colourful leaves. These guidelines will help you learn how to use
Here are some great things to keep in mind for all those who plant annual flowers in their gardens.
Snapdragons are whimsical plants with lots of care-free appeal. Wands of flowers appear persistently throughout the summer. Snapdragons have an alluring perfume, and if you pick the spike when only the lower blossoms are open, they last for a week in
Easy to grow and easy to please, nasturtiums thrive in modest garden conditions. Here are some quick tips to help you grow nasturtiums at home.
Although they make good bedding plants, browallias are often grown in pots. Their purplish-blue, star-shaped blossoms are gorgeous and impossible to miss. We'll teach you how to grow your own.
A dainty, undemanding little plant like sweet alyssum is just what every gardener needs to edge a bed, fill a bare spot or serve as an accent. Here are the facts about the plant and the best way to grow it.
Fast-growing castor bean plants are worth growing for their immense, star-shaped burgundy or green leaves, which cast a spell of jungle magic over any garden. Because they are toxic, check out these quick tips and learn how to safely grow castor bean
A flowering plant that flourishes in window boxes and containers throughout Canada has to be easy to please. Here's what you need to know about bedding geraniums and some helpful tips to get you started.
The gardening world recognized a superstar the moment it discovered the Australian import known as fan flower. These guidelines will walk you through the basics of planting this beauty.
Although love-lies-bleeding is a giant among annuals, its needs are few. It thrives on summer heat and asks little of your time. As these guidelines will suggest, once planted, it takes poor soil and dry conditions in stride. Read on to learn more.
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