Most people over 65 in Canada qualify for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, but many pensioners aren't fully aware of other benefits available to them. Here's some entitlements you may have missed.
Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits reportedly go unclaimed. Many people who are entitled to benefits don't even apply. These are some government benefits you may have missed.
Are you ready for tax season? Filing your taxes can be a difficult and timely process so it's sometimes easiest to hire an accountant. Here's what you need to know about whether you need an accountant and how to find one for less.
Every year, Canadians who don't understand taxation end up paying more than their fair share. But you don't have to, here's how:
Tax refunds can make the difference between being in the red or the black at the end of the year. Here are a few tax refunds business owners should know.
A key step when starting a business in Quebec is understanding the related tax implications. Here is everything you need to know before proceeding.
Recent changes to the tax system could mean a larger return for your family this year. Discover if the family tax cut is a tool you can use.
Dreading tax time? You're not alone. But the real question is: which federal tax credits are you entitled to claim? The answer could save you big bucks.
If you're recently divorced, it's important to understand how this will affect your tax return.
Depending on what your house was used for, you may be able to dodge a hefty tax bill when selling your home.
If you've run into financial problems and have filed for bankruptcy, discover how this will affect your incomes taxes.
Even if you travel south of the border to escape the cold, you can’t escape taxes. Here’s what you should consider when tax time comes around.
Even though your income is lower while on mat leave, it doesn't mean that you won’t have to pay tax on it. Read on to find out more.
It can be tempting not to declare rental income because it could mean having to pay tax on it. But here's why you should be declaring it.
As a business owner, there a number of expenses you are entitled to deduct when doing your taxes. Here’s some information to guide you.
Becoming a parent is a magical time, but also an expensive one. Good thing there are some tax breaks you can benefit from when you have a child.
Tax season is a dreaded time of year for everyone, and those who drive taxis are not exempt from paying their taxes either.
Save money the next time you file your tax return with this simple guide, including the inside scoop to deductions, and refundable and non-refundable tax credits.
Discover how as a retired couple you can save money on your return by using a simple tax strategy called Pension Income Splitting.
If you are caring for a dependent, you could be eligible for tax credits that could save you money on your tax return.
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