With the right formula, you can remove almost any kind of stain from clothing, and there's no reason not to experiment with household ingredients that "do no harm". Follow these stain treatments with a regular wash.
Tackle those hard-to-remove stains with these tips using everyday household ingredients. You might have thought you'd have to throw out your favourite shirt, but maybe won't after all.
For anyone who drinks coffee, stains on your favourite shirt are annoying. Here are three simple steps sure to remove the worst coffee stains from your clothes.
If you've never paid heed to laundry symbols on clothes labels, you should: they could wind up saving you big bucks. To help you understand them, here's an overview.
Tackle those hard-to-remove stains with these tips using everyday household ingredients.
If you’ve ever stained your shirt or pants, you’ve experienced the frustration of thinking your favourite clothes are ruined. Next time your clothes are covered, try one of these fabric stain removal tips to save your wardrobe.
Following the care labels and interpreting symbols correctly are the surest ways of getting a good result with both washing and dry cleaning. The following will go that much further and offer tips on fabrics so you can properly take care of your clot
For non-smokers and smokers alike, the odour of cigarette smoke on clothes is gross. How can you get rid of it? Here are four things you can do that purge the smell.
It's easy to treat your delicates and “dry-clean only” garments yourself. To help, here are the pros and cons of DIY dry cleaning treatments you can do at home.
The variety of natural, synthetic and blended fabrics in your wardrobe requires a new awareness of drying techniques. Here are a few techniques to make sure all your clothes stay as bright and fresh as possible.
Whether pumping gas or mowing the lawn, a run-in with gasoline can leave fumes (and sometimes stains) on clothes that linger for awhile. Here are four tips to purging them from your clothes for good.
When it's a small job, sometimes you don't need to spend money at a tailor. Here's how to replace a zipper and hem a skirt the way the pros do.
When you spill something on your favourite top (or new top, or one that is work-appropriate and well fitting) you don't always think quickly on your feet. You're sure someone told you a trick about something, but what was it? Here are some quick note
Having a wardrobe difficulty? That's OK: there are plenty of crafty solutions that can fix up annoying or embarrassing problems. We'll go over 5 useful tips that cover everything from sewing a patch to removing a stain.
From accidental spills to messy work environments, clothing stains are difficult to avoid. Try these 7 suggestions for removing different types of stains and keeping your wardrobe looking its best.
Are you fed up with clothes that shrink or lose their colour? Sending them to a dry cleaner’s will help you keep them looking like new.
Eco-friendly appliances can make a real difference on your energy bill but also to the environment. What should you consider when it comes to washers and dryers? Read on.
Looking after your clothes properly will give them a longer life. Whether you wash by hand or machine, select appropriate washing methods and cycles and use non-toxic products. You can avoid the expense of dry-cleaning, and the chemicals associated w
Working with fleece needn't be a daunting task. These basic guidelines will show you how to choose and clean fleece for spinning.
Denim, T-shirts, jogging suits — they may not be your fancy attire, but they're yours, so why not make them last? Here are eight tips on how to take care of them.
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