6 tips for expectant mothers suffering from sore backs

October 13, 2015

Pregnancy can be hard on the body. Fortunately there are some simple things expectant mothers can do to ease discomfort (like back pain) while they're pregnant. If you want to learn some helpful ways for easing back pain when expecting, check out the handy tips below.

6 tips for expectant mothers suffering from sore backs

1. Wear the right shoes

  • Wearing the right shoes is crucial to ensuring that your back doesn't hurt while you're pregnant.
  • High-heeled shoes and backless shoes do not provide enough foot support to ensure that your hips, knees and spine are aligned when walking, which can cause back pain.
  • Make sure to wear sturdy, flat shoes with backs, like sneakers, when pregnant.

2. Try to sleep on your side

  • It's hard to stay in one position during the night, but if you want to minimize the amount of back pain you feel during the day, try to sleep on your side during the night.
  • Sleeping in the foetal position with a pillow between the knees will minimize pressure between bones and is seen as the most effective way to avoid back pain caused by uncomfortable sleeping positions.

3. Practice pelvic tilts

  • To do a pelvic tilt, get down on all fours, then rock your pelvis up and down.
  • Pelvic tilts are an excellent way to not only relieve the pain that is already existent by releasing pressure on parts of the back that are compressed, but they also can prevent further pain by strengthening the back muscles that may be strained while carrying a baby.

4. Wear a maternity support belt

  • Try wearing a maternity belt around your waist and under your belly to help relieve back pain when you're pregnant.
  • This pregnancy support belt lifts the belly and supports it, which takes the pressure off of your back as it holds both your belly and the baby up.
  • Maternity support belts are also believed to help improve posture.

5. Get some gentle exercise

  • Getting some intensity exercise while expecting has been shown to reduce back and muscle aches caused by the pregnancy.
  • Try exercises like walking, yoga (prenatal) and swimming to relieve your stiffness and pain without pushing your body too hard.
  • Make sure to stretch your back out before and after your exercise to prevent accidentally straining it further.

6. Take a warm bath

  • Warm baths are one of the best natural remedies for soothing muscle aches and pains.
  • Try adding a drop or two of essential oils to your bath to help increase your relaxation, making sure you don't use any bath products that could stimulate contractions.
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