Baby cosmetics demystified

December 17, 2014

Cosmetics for baby? They’re a must! Get the lowdown on lotion, powder, shampoo and cream specially formulated to be extra gentle on sensitive baby skin.

Baby cosmetics demystified

Why use baby products and until what age?

Babies are very sensitive to their environment. Baby products are developed to be ultra-gentle and non-irritant. This is because baby skin is very sensitive and you don’t want to harm them with the harsher products we regularly use. From bath time to moisturizing, you’ll want to use specially formulated baby products until they reach the age of three.

Baby shampoo

Your shampoo has chemicals that sting when you get some in your eyes, but you’ve got the routine down pat for avoiding this. Giving a bath to a wiggly baby might prove to be a little more difficult, especially if this kid loves splashing around or really hates bath time. Baby shampoos are usually diluted and will have an adjusted pH to keep the process as safe and tear-free as possible.

Baby powder

Baby powder is made of talcum or corn starch and is used for deodorizing and preventing diaper rash. Because these powders will irritate the lungs if inhaled, it’s important to use them sparingly and to always apply them to your hands and transfer the powder to your baby’s bottom. Some people prefer corn starch-based powders as they're more difficult to inhale (though they still pose a risk).

Baby lotions and creams

These products are meant to moisturize your baby’s skin and are useful right after bath time. Gentler products are those that don’t contain dyes, fragrance, phthalates, or parabens, all of which can all cause skin irritation. From milia to cradle cap, there are all sorts of common baby skin conditions that may require treatment. If a skin problem appears as you follow the normal routine recommended by your pediatrician, it’s best not to go overboard with lotions and to contact your doctor as soon possible. They’ll let you know if a specific course of action is required.

When in doubt

If you’re not sure which products are better or safer for your baby, talk to your physician. They’ll be able to give you a heads up concerning irritants you can easily avoid and steer you in the right direction.

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