A St. Patrick's Day guide to drinking beer

October 13, 2015

Beer is a fundamental part of the St. Patrick's Day tradition, and there are many types of beer  available to celebrate the festive day. Ask anyone who knows about the traditions of St. Patrick's Day, and he'll probably mention beer. There are more drinks than just the simple Guinness that people can enjoy to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and each has a link to the festivities.

A St. Patrick's Day guide to drinking beer

1. Green beer

  • Some experts argue that this is not an original Irish tradition, but a long-standing way for celebrants to mark the Irish holiday is to drink green beer.
  • Green beer is a good way to start off St. Patrick's Day because it's made with light beers with a lower percentage of alcohol by volume.
  • Many bars across the world now sell green beers, but you can also make your own at home.
  • Simply mix a beer that's light yellow (Corona and Harp are good choices), then stir about 12 drops of green food colouring.
  • The result will be a beer that almost glows a bright, emerald green.

2. Murphy's Irish Red

  • A beer that's a bit heavier than green beer, and certainly more traditionally Irish, is Murphy's Irish Red.
  • It's a good beer choice to transition from the green stuff to the heavier-flavoured stouts like Guinness.
  • An Irish red is a family of beers that's named for its red colour, and Murphy's is a favourite in Ireland.
  • The company has been making red beer for more than a century and a half, so drinking it is another great way to celebrate the country's history.

3. Guinness

  • Of course, the king of St. Patrick's Day beers is Guinness.
  • Guinness is a dark beer that tastes a bit like chocolate and coffee.
  • Guinness isn't a particularly heavy beer or one that's high in alcohol, but it is a flavourful choice that many people choose to enjoy on its own and not with any particularly flavourful food.

4. Irish car bomb

  • A fun way to end a beer-drinking St. Patrick's Day celebration is with an Irish car bomb.
  • An Irish car bomb incorporates Guinness as well as Irish whiskey and Baileys Irish Cream.
  • To enjoy an Irish car bomb, pour whiskey into a shot glass and top with Irish Cream.
  • Then drop the whole shot into a pint of Guinness and drink.
  • This drink is strong, so it's a good idea to have just one.
  • It also tastes like dessert, so it's a good choice for after dinner or at the end of a night.
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