9 exercises that can help relieve your pain

October 9, 2015

Got a painful condition on your hands? Exercise can help. Here's what to do before, during and after exercise.

9 exercises that can help relieve your pain

1. Back pain

  • Stretch for five minutes. Anytime you feel sharp or sudden pain, stop your activity.
  • If you're in the pool, avoid the breast stroke and crawl if they hurt. Stick to side stroke.
  • After any exercise, apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Joint pain

  • Do range-of-motion exercises for five minutes. For instance, rotate your hips in circles one way, then another.
  • If you hurt, slow down and repeat range-of-motion exercises.
  • Stretch for five minutes afterwards. Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Knee pain

  • Lubricate your knee joints by gently bending and straightening your knee for three to five minutes.
  • Use walking poles to help relieve the burden on the joints. Walk on soft surfaces.
  • If you feel pain, slow down and stretch.
  • Afterwards, ice for 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Cancer pain

  • Do all-over stretching for five minutes. For example, reach to the ceiling, bend side to side, bend and straighten the knees, etc.
  • If you hurt, slow down and repeat stretches.
  • Finish by doing five minutes of general stretching as before. Then, ice painful areas for 15 to 20 minutes.

5. Plantar fasciitis

  • Heat about 25 marbles in hot water and put them in a shoe box. While sitting, roll your foot over the marbles for five minutes.
  • Place the front of your foot on a fat phone book or stair. Let your heel drop for 20 seconds. Repeat heel drop five to 10 times.
  • When you feel tightness or pain, stop and repeat heel stretch.
  • Ice for 15 to 20 minutes when finished.

6. Achilles tendon pain

  • Hold on to the kitchen counter and raise heels off the floor, as though you were wearing high heels. Hold for a one-two count and lower. Repeat five to 10 times.
  • Then, place the front of your foot on a fat phone book or stair. Let your heel drop for 20 seconds. Repeat five to 10 times.
  • When you feel tightness or pain, stop and repeat stair or curb stretch.
  • Ice for 15 to 20 minutes after you've finished stretching.

7. Leg and foot cramps

  • Half an hour before exercising, eat half a banana. Potassium helps prevent cramps.
  • Drink a glass of water or tonic water to reduce your chances of cramping up.
  • Do calf and foot stretches for three to five minutes. For example, lean against a wall with both hands. Bend one leg and keep the other straight, heel on floor.
  • If the cramps resume, repeat stretches and drink a glass of water or sports drink.
  • Include some dairy food in the day's diet as calcium helps prevent cramps.

8. Headaches

  • Release neck tension by lying down, head to hip, on a blanket rolled tight. Spread your arms so you are in a T-shape, let your shoulders drop and your chest open. Relax for three to five minutes.
  • To release tension, gently nod your head yes and no.
  • Do shoulder rolls as well. Raise your shoulders to your ears, move them backward, down, then up to your ears again in one smooth motion.
  • Then, lie down on the rolled blanket for another three to five minutes.

9. Menstrual pain

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on floor. Hug your knees to your chest for a count of five. Rock from your left to right buttock 10 times.
  • If cramps resume, lie down and do the same thing. Or, standing, rock from foot to foot 10 times.
  • Ice your back 15 to 20 minutes if it's sore. If you have stomach cramps, lie on a heating pad for 15 to 20 minutes.

Pain relief can be as simple as giving your body a chance to recover. With these simple exercises, you could experience less pain without even leaving the house.

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